Ch.45 (The Finale)

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I spent the last five days re-writing and editing the crap out of this chapter so it would be perfect and I finally got it to a point where I am in love with this chapter. Please comment what you think about it because I really think this is the best chapter I have written and it would mean a lot to know what you guys think of it too!

BTW the song at the top doesn't have really any significance I just love Adore so much I couldn't help myself. <3 


Jj pov

I was woken up this morning without Jack beside me... Not unusual with him nowadays. But I mean this is probably just stressful for the babies I mean they are coming in like a week or so... HOLY CRAP I'M GOING TO BE A MOTHER... FATHER... WHAT THE FUCK AM ICONSIDERED?!

I sigh shaking the thought out of my mind and walk downstairs to see a note.

Good morning my love,

Baby, I want you to go to star bucks with Sam and ask for your name. There one of the baristas or whatever the fuck they are called will give you a cup that has directions on it. Please follow them my love. I love you and be safe. Sammy will be there at like 1:30 so be ready!

Kisses, Jack

Sam got here not too long after and we were on our way. The babies aren't kicking still which I mean it's nice they kind of just tap.. Maybe they'll be musical!

-2 hours later-

Sam and I get to some park and Sam brings me towards a forest area.

"Sam where the fuck are we going?"

"Shhhh... It's all good."

"But I-"

"Dude. Trust me you're going to be fine."

"Why do we have to walk so much thoughhhh"


He drags me though the forest for like 20 minutes until we arrive to the same waterfall area that I had my first date with Jack.

"Hello my love."

I hear Jack and I instantaneously start smiling. My baby!

"Hi hun! What's all of this?"

"Well I wanted to do something nice for you kitten. I mean like I know you love nature/picnics so I thought this would be perfect for something special. I hope you like it. You like it right??"

"Of course baby. I like it. It's so sweet and considerate."

I kiss his lips gently and he guides me over to a blanket and helps me sit down. As he sits down as well he pulls out a bunch of different foods.

-2hr 1/2 later-

Jack and I are walking around on a beach we found on the other side of the forest. It's like 3:30 and I still have no idea what is going on but I'm starting to get a pain in my back, it could be from walking or it could be the boys but whatever it is IT'S FUCKING KILLER.

"Babe, Are you okay? You seem like you're in pain."

"My back hurts really bad.. Uhm.. Can we go back to the house?"

"Of course my love."

He kisses me and we start walking back to the car. We are just about to get to the car when.

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