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Jj Pov

Skip to Monday morning.

I did absolutely nothing yesterday.. No actually I was going to but I got to into chilling with Mr. Sharp that I lost track of time. But I did write some music (Speaking of music did you hear Jack's Song Bloom/Bouquet?? Fucking perfect.) Yeah that's it though..

I walked into school and saw Nate and Jack standing at Sam's locker looking...confused and almost worried? Oh well maybe someone finally beat the shit out of Sam...

I walk into my class without anyone noticing me and already this day seems to be going pretty fast. Thank the lord..

Sam Pov

My dad was home all Sunday and you can guess what that meant... If you don't know for some fucking reason let's just say I ended up in the hospital from 11:30 and I'm still there. I told the doctors I just got into a bad accident and they seem to believe me but one nurse seems like she doesn't. She also doesn't look like she likes me all too much. Like as soon as she saw my files name she cringed. What the fuck did I do to her?!

For anyone asking yeah I still feel bad about yelling at Nate, I mean he was just being a friend but like I was annoyed at the time. I didn't mean to call him the f word. (Just saying but the word I'm referring to is a disgusting slang term for gay/homosexual. I physically feel sick to my stomach hearing it let alone writing it. It disgusts me that much.)

I hate myself for what I said to him. If I just told him what was going on I would be at school and happy with Nate. He wouldn't hate me right? Yeah he would Sam He doesn't even like you. You're a waste of space and the only reason he hangs out with you is so he can chill with Gilinsky. He doesn't want you around. Give up it'll be better for everyone...

I start crying and the nurse that doesn't like me comes in. I think her name is Julie.

"What's wrong Mr. Wilkinson? Isn't everything to your liking?" She says bitterly.

"Everything is fine... Uhmm... Did I do something to you? I can tell you don't like me, what did I do?" I say whilst holding back tears.

"You are the reason I see one of my patients so often, whether you beat him up or make fun of him so much that he.... never mind... What I'm saying is a young boy comes into the ER almost every day because of you. He is such a sweet boy I don't understand why you don't like him. If it's because he happens to be homosexual than you need to stop being such a close-minded asshole and get the fuck over it. THAT is why I don't like you." She gets up and walks to the door and it looks like she's going to cry. Jesus christ, she's the nurse that takes care of Johnson... Holy shit I feel so bad...

JG Pov

I have been hanging out with Nate all morning as he talked about Sam. I know this boy has a crush on him he just won't admit it.

It's finally lunch and oddly enough I'm not hungry. I am always hungry... just I kind of only want to do one thing.. Yeah I know it's cheesy but I want to see him... On Sunday I didn't do anything I kind of just stayed in my room and thought about him.. I know I sound like a teenage girl on one of those after school specials but so what leave me alone....

Anyways I have come to the conclusion that I am gay. That's right I am a homosexual and yeah I like Flowercrown.  I guess I noticed this when I realized that I have woken up to many girls and I never smile than kiss their cheek.. I generally sneak out before they wake up... I know dick move but then they want to be all kissy and girlfriend boyfriend shit and well that's just ew...

I start walking towards his usual spot, the back hallway staircase and of course there he is. He's fixing his crown and I giggle unintentionally loud. He jumps and sighs when he notices it's me.

"Where's Sam today? I thought you would've told him that I slept with you  and how much of a fucking queer I am. Of course instead of you telling him YOU accidentally kissed me you would have told him that I tried kissing you. I mean that's what that was about right?" He said sassily.

 Noooo, I want to hold him and tell him that I don't want to hurt him and that I want to be around him and wake up next to him again. Jesus fucking christ he is lovely to wake up next to.

"No, I'm not going to lie to him.. and I have no idea where he is. Nate and him got into an argument on Saturday so Nate hasn't heard from him either." I say walking over and sitting next to him.  I gently put my arm around him and he sighs.

"Look Jack, I'm sorry I got defensive there... It's just.. never mind.."

"What is it? You can tell me I promise I won't tell anyone." I say as I look down at him gently brushing away a hair loose from his crown.

"I just don't get much attention and when I do it's so people can use me..." He started to look uncomfortable.

I move my hand up and start petting the top of his head.

"It's okay, don't worry I promise I won't hurt you." I whisper to him

He cuddles into my neck and mumbles "I hope so..."

We stopped talking completely and just sat there. Keep in mind that we are sitting down against a wall facing another wall. We stayed like this the entire hour, neither of us ate we kind of just rested with each other... Well actually like 10 minutes in he fell asleep but it was cute.

The 1st bell rang saying we had 5 minutes to get to class so I gently shook him and he groaned. It wasn't a mad groan it was more of a 'I was really comfy why would you do that?' groan. I smirk and tell him we have to go. This boy is better than I thought.


Hey you guys know you can do this thing called commenting.... That sounded rude I'm sorry.... Just I want to hear what you guys think of the book.... Love you

BTW I ordered cosplay kitty ears and when I get them expect a pic of me happy af. <3

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