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orry this is a little late. My grandparents have shitty internet and I've been working all day.


Jg Pov

I woke up this morning happy. I have him back finally. Everything is perfect. I'm downstairs making breakfast as he's still asleep.

Suddenly I hear a noise and a door open than little steps coming down the stairs.

"Good morning love. I made you breakfast."

He walks over and kisses my cheek.

"Good morning babe. Thank you."

I placed everything on the table and we both sat down. He seemingly had a bit of a difficulty sitting down.

"I'm so sore right now it's not even funny."

We both laugh and suddenly he groans in an annoyed tone.

"What's wrong love?"

"I missed the first half of school. Would you mind driving me over so my mom doesn't kill me for missing more school?"

"Of course after we eat go get dressed and I'll drive you over."

He smiles at me and continues to eat.

When were done he puts his plate in the dishwasher and bounces up the stairs to get ready.

I don't know what I would do without him. He makes me happy if I didn't have him I think I would be in a really bad place that I don't ever want to be in. When we were fighting/broken up my mind kept going to bad places. It was not fun.

He walks back downstairs wearing sweats and one of my shirts. It's slightly big on him so it's like the cutest thing ever. Oh and of course a crown because he's Flowercrown so of course he has one. It's black which is weird because I thought he had a white one on yesterday... I guess he has them everywhere aha.

"I'm ready! Are you going to put a shirt on?"

I shake my head no and grab my keys.

The drive to school consisted of him clutching on to me for his dear life.

When we arrived it was still lunch so there were people around the parking lot. Mainly the people trying to get a drag before they have to go back to hell... I mean school... Nope. I mean hell.

I turn my bike off and we both get off. (didn't yall do that last night? AHA Sorry naughty jokes.)

He hugs me tightly and kisses my lips gently. Oh my god do I love this boy. How can I compare thee to a summers day? Aha.

"I should probably go. I'll see you later babe."

 He kisses me once more and starts walking away.

I sigh and suddenly someone taps my shoulder.

"Hi Jacky. Where have you been?" It speaks.

"Fucking hell Madison. I don't want you. You have been with half my friends and I cannot deal with your annoying ass bitchy voice. You are the sluttiest most annoying ass bitch I have ever met and I do not want to deal with your stank ass. Plus I don't like girls I like boys. I ENJOY DICK JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO."

I laugh at her expression and  get on my bike but not before I quickly add

"Madison, better close that mouth of yours before a guy assumes you want his dick. I mean I wouldn't be surprised if someone did because you have boned literally every guy in the school."

With that I drove off happily.

Jj Pov

The boys and I are hanging at my locker right now. It's nice they asked about Jack and how he was doing, where he was, if he was coming back and all that.

I hope he comes back... I realized that last night in my dream I had that we need to go to prom because if not our relationship will be fucked up..again. I don't know how but somehow it will if we don't go.

"Jack, we have math now. Were gonna go. Bye babeee." Shawn chants as he drags kenny away.

They are actually so cute like ugh GOALS. well not really because Jack and I are goals but still aha.

-After school-

So I have to go to the office to get my phone back because Jack and I were texting during class and the stupid teacher caught me... I might have also said

"Well maybe I wouldn't be texting if you actually taught us something new and interesting rather than this bullshit you typed into Google for. Jesus I teach these students more than you do and I barely speak to half of them."

But I mean it's like she took offence to it. I don't know why she would because it's true. I asked someone what I missed yesterday and I literally typed in what we were talking about and added 'worksheets' to the end of it and they work came up in Google images.

I walked into the office to see one of my favourite people at this school. The Vice principal. She is so chill I help he sort things all the time.

"Jack I assume this is your phone? Your boyfriend texted you. He's picking you up. Your brother texted you as well your mom and him are going to his snowboarding competition. Your mom left you money for a little while."

I smile at her and laugh lightly. She tosses me my phone and smiles back.

"I assumed he wasn't going to leave me stranded here but how did you know he was my boyfriend? Maybe he's a good friend." I laugh

"Jack c'mon. His name in your phone is Jacky-bear with a million hearts. I think he's your boyfriend. Besides I assumed you got a boyfriend because you're walking a little funny today."

We both laugh and I shrug at her. I walk away from her and head out to my love.


So my book Half-bloods description is up. The first chapter will be up on the 5th so add it to your library now to be notified when I update it.

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