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Thank you loves. I never thought this book could have gotten 10.2k reads and nearly 600 votes aha. It's insane!!! ILY GUYS ANYWAYS.... uhm Comment something you guys want from me... Idk like a one shot book or to post the first chapter of my new book half-blood. I just feel like I should give you something...

If you want to get into the feels read this (especially towards the ending) with fix you by coldplay nightcored.


Jj pov

Tomorrow night  is prom... HOLY FUCK. Jack has come back to school but still hasn't asked me to prom... Maybe he assumes that we're going together? Maybe I'll go by myself aha.

[1:25pm] Jacky-bear;  Babe at 3 go to the place in the forest that we found the other day. XOXOX

[1:26pm] Me;  Mhkay. Why tho??

[1:26pm} User Jack-bear has read your message

Well than no answers... Mysterious maybe he's gonna kill me... aha wouldn't that be something. It turns out that Jack was a psycho or something.

I pulled on a pair of shorts and walked out of the house. I mean like we found it almost an hour away from my house so I don't think if I leave now I'll be late.

I start walking... Omg why couldn't we have met somewhere closer...

Jg pov

I have been setting up with the guys for an hour... THIS PROMPOSAL SHIT TAKES TOO LONG.

I know it's a little far from his place but I mean there's a fucking waterfall. Yeah I also know it's really late but Jack said he wanted to go no matter what so I assume he has a tux already.

(Pic above is the place)

I set up a picnic table with his favourite food and favourite drink. It's only lunch because I mean were going to dinner with the guys tonight. We planned this for a couple weeks aha.

-Skip to 3pm-

I hear a stick break and I assume it's Jack. Of course it is my baby!

"Oh my god Jack did you do this?"

I strung fairy lights up and placed rose petals around. I nod to him

"Hun! I love it. It's so cute!" He runs over to me and jumps into my arms.

"Baby I think we should have lunch before we have desert. okay?


He jumps off of me and walks over to the table. He immediately smiles and begins eating.

We eat for a little than he decided to put his feet in the water of the pond/lake.

I smile and he hence's me to come and join him. I mean like I guess I should.

"Wait babe. I need to give you something. C'mere."

He gets up and walks over to me.

I get down on my knees and pull out a small box.

"Jack what the fuck?"

"Babe. Will you take this promise ring? I promise I will never fuck up our relationship again. Will you go to prom with me as well?  I love you with all my heart. You're the only reason I get up in the morning and have a smile on my face. You are my everything."

He nods and starts crying.

"Honey, Why are you crying?"

I get up from my knee and hug him close.

"I've never been anyone's everything. I don't know how to feel... or what I should do..."

I place my hand underneath his chin and kiss his lips sweetly.

"You are already doing everything I love. I don't know why you have never been someone's everything because you are the most perfect person ever. I love you so much."

He smiles gently at me and kisses my lips before taking the ring putting it on and walking back to the stream to sit down.

Did I do this too early?

Why didn't he say he loved me back? What if he doesn't.. What if this is just fun for him to lead me on... NO JACK DON'T THINK LIKE THAT... but what if it's true... IT'S NOT STOP. YOU LOVE HIM AND HE LOVES YOU THAT'S FINAL. But does he?

"Babe. Are you going to come sit with me?" He says patting the grassy area next to him.

I bite my lip and nod.

I walk over and sit down.

It makes me happy just being by his side. He is my sunshine when it rains. My light when it becomes dark. The smoke to my high.

 He is everything to me... but what if I'm just some joke to him...You are. C'mon I'm your subconscious I know he doesn't actually want anything to do with you.... YES HE DOES...nope he doesn't you may think so lovely of him but to him you are the reason it rains, you are the reason it gets dark and seriously the smoke to your high? So you plan on dying? BECAUSE OF HIM. WOW LOOK AT THAT.

Fuck you.

No, Fuck him. You love him but he doesn't love you.

Seriously that's why I have to go to therapy because of my emotions mainly towards him.

No you go because you're fucked up. You don't deserve love anyways.. You aren't good enough for anyone and you never will be. (I don't believe any of this about G. I love him.<3)

"Baby, are you okay? You have been staring off in the distance for the past 10 minutes..." He says fiddling with the ring.

"Never better love." I sigh.

Jj pov

Just say it back.

I can't.

Why not?!

Everyone I say it to leaves me.

They all should.

I know....


So this happened.... Uhm.. Idk if I like it.

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