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Sam can go anywhere from Model to what the fuck are you doing in pictures aha. This picture made me laugh only because of Jack. ahahaha


Sam Pov

They are finally letting me out. They seem to think that I am what they consider 'normal'. Now don't get me wrong this has helped like I don't feel so shitty about myself anymore but I do still need Natey-bear. I still want him warm and comforting hugs..

When they ask me about him I have to say something along the lines of;

"Oh he's my best friend. I miss him. " Then they would respond with

"Okay, Do you need him to be happy? Or can you make yourself happy without him?" I would make some stupid fake smile and finally answer with

"Of course I can make myself happy without him." Which is a complete lie.

They ask me that stupid question one more time as I am leaving the stupid vicinity. I roll my eyes and answer them with the usual answer. As soon as I get out of there I pull out my phone and dial his number.

"Hey babe, how are you? Can I finally pick you up?" He says into the phone and I instantly relax. I know he can't see me but I start smiling.

"I'm good and yeah come save me before they decide I'm not stable again." He laughs lightly. I adore his laugh.

"I'll be there in like 20 minutes. Be ready for the biggest hug like ever." Awe he missed me too.

"Okay, well you better be ready as well. Bye now."

I hang up and now I have 20 minutes to kill with no money to do anything. I think I remember hearing that there was a park around here. Probably around the-I WAS RIGHT! YAY!

I run over and lay on the open grassy area. I look up to see a beautiful cloudy day. (Does anybody else absolutely adore cloudy days?)

All of a sudden I feel a hand shake me. Is it him? Did I fall asleep on the ground?

"Uhm...Mister? Are you okay? " I open my eyes to see the cutest little girl. I smile gently at her in an attempt not to frighten her.

"I'm okay sweetie. I was laying down." She frowns. Awe NO DONT BE SAD LITTLE ONE.

"Oh. I'm sorry that I bothered you Mister." I was about to say something when

"Sky, Don't run off like that. I was worried sick...Uh, hi..I-I'm Nash. You are?"

Nash, that's a cool name.

"I'm Sam and sweetie don't worry you didn't bother me." She starts smiling again and makes so cute ass noise. Awe.

"So uhmm Sam is there a reason you are all alone? Maybe I could join you?"

Don't be flirty with me. I am strictly gay for Natey-bear. THAT'S IT. I'm not even gay than...I'm Natesexual. aha Natesexual. I exhale deeply. How to get out of this?

"Yeah, my boyfriend is coming to pick me up. I was just waiting on him."

"Boyfriend?" I hear his voice. HE'S HERE! I run over to him quickly.

"BABE! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH." I say jumping into his arms.

He laughs and instantly tell I was looking for a way to get out of something. We both tend to do that. aha one time Nate didn't want a girl to bother him anymore.. that's where the Babe and Baby thing came from.

We hug until that Nash kid decides to leave with the little girl. I finally let go and smile at him widely.

"Young Sammy, I think we should get ice cream than go back to my place." Nate's voice filled with excitement. He's so cute. We get into the car and he instantly starts driving.

"Yay! I have been dying with the food that they feed me. It's all healthy and shit like NO I DON'T WANT YOUR FUCKING APPLES." I say giggling at him. He shakes his head and laughs.

We get to the parking lot and get out of the car. All of a sudden a smirk appears on Nate's face.


We both get into the store and rush over to the ice cream. We giggle as we get a bunch of weird glares from people. WELL THAN. BITCH LET ME BE I JUST GOT OUT OF THE LOONEY BIN. FUCK YOU. LET MY BABY GIGGLE AND LAUGH WITH ME. FUCKING HOE.

I had lost the race but he still insisted on paying. He is such a gentlemen (I have been staring at the word gentlemen for like 5minutes now and idk why but it stopped looking like a word. aha..)

We spent the rest of the day watching movies, eating ice cream and talking about what happened ...there... Ew.

Jj Pov

We got back to my house and since then all we have done was talk and giggle. I'm so happy that we can do this. No fighting other than tickle fights which he seems to always win.... fucker.

"Jack, what are we?" he asks abruptly. well that ruined our quiet moment...

"Uhmm, Friends I guess..Why? Do you want to be something else?"

"I think so, yeah you know what I do. I want to be your boyfriend...If that's okay with you..."

Oh my fucking god. I think I should take this time to thank my mom, Jack's parents, whatever made him gay and everyone that ever believed in my love for this boy. Well that's nobody because I had no friends to tell it about but still. YES! Well like I mean what's the point in telling him yes when I can tease the fuck out of him... aha


Do you ever have those moments when you're sad for no reason, But than you like start thinking and you're like "Oh yeah, that's why I should be sad...Fuck" It's like you're in a war against yourself..Oh yeah? Me either....

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