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Nate pov


That's all I could say. My baby is leaving me... How can I go on when he's moving far away from me?

"Babe, say something.. I know it's hard I just have no choice... "

"Why what's going on that you have to move?"

"My dad is being let off with community service. I can't be near him when he gets out."

I nod and kiss his lips gently.

"I understand love. Maybe I shall see you again one day.. When are you moving?"

"Well they're letting him out in a couple days so I'm probably leaving tomorrow night or the next night."

"Oh.. What does this mean for us?"

"I don't know... Should we try long distance?"

"I don't know. They never seem to work out the way people want them to."

"True. Maybe we should break up right before I leave?"

"Yeah, it'll be for the best.. Just know I love you sweet heart."

"I love you too angel."

I can't believe this my lover is leaving me. I don't know how to feel... This is probably for the best.

Third person pov

A couple nights later Sammy and Skate broke up.

It's been about a month since Sammy left and Skates a wreck.

He's eating and is talking but he cries himself to sleep.

Jack and Jack went to see him back in Omaha to see how he's doing and they got him to go outside.

Turns out Skate has been drawing a lot lately to keep his mind off of Sam.

He drew a beautiful flower and turns out Skate wants a tattoo now too.

The flower reminds him of Sam.

The red of the flower reminds him of Sammy's cheeks because he would blush when he saw Nate.

The size of the flower reminded him of the love he and Sammy share.

The beauty of the flower remind him of Sammy in general.

Sammy was perfect in Nate's eyes. There was nothing wrong or imperfect about him. He was just born into a bad situation and he managed to get out of it. Sammy is such a brave heart to Nate. He loves that he was smart enough to get out of what was happening when he could. That he told Nate when he did. Honestly Nate didn't think that Sammy would stay strong for much longer.

He was so weak and brittle that if you bumped into him lightly he would crumble.

Jj pov

I feel so bad for Nate. He's been writing a lot of music to keep him happy and he got a tattoo but he's in so much pain.

He's started making a 'mixtape' type thingie for the last couple days and I guess that's okay. It's helping him cope with Sammy being gone.

They were everything to each other though. I couldn't imagine not having Jackie with me ESPECIALLY with this child on the way.

- Christmas time/ 2 months later-

Jack and I are spending Christmas with his family this year.

It's actually quiet lovely. I love his sisters and parents.

They are so accepting unlike my mother when I first told her.

When I first told her she didn't talk to me for 7 and a half months.

Jeff on the other hand was lovely about it.

He said and I quote "Yasss JJ get the dick." and laughed.

Do I wish my mom was the same way? Yeah, but I mean my mom is such a massive LGBT supporter now I don't really care what happened in the past I guess.

Jack suddenly comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, beginning to pepper kisses on my neck and jaw.

"Baby, Do you want to bake cookies with me?"

He says in between the kisses. All I can do is moan and nod at this point.

He lets go of my waist grabbing my hand pulling me into the kitchen starting to look for what I'm assuming is a cook book.

As we start making the cookies he throws flower in my face whilst he laughs.

I scoff and throw flower back at him laughing in doing so.

"Oh hell no babe."

"You did it first so fuck off hun."

I say sassily and continue baking until I feel his arms wrap around me again.

"Mmmh. You know we're in a kitchen yet the one thing I want right now isn't food related." He mumbles into my neck.

I let out a light moan and giggle.

We finish up and I laugh at the sight of us both while I passed a mirror.

I take out my phone and snap a selfie posting it to twitter for our fans.

@JackJackJohnson; This is what I get for baking with @jackgilinsky #RudeAndDisrespectful

He looks at me and smirks. I guess he got my tweet.

I look down at my phone to see that he tweeted back to me.

@jackgilinsky; BITCH. You aren't innocent in this. You aren't just a victim you are also the criminal. #JohnsonIsNotSlick

Along with a picture of himself.

I giggle and walk over to him kiss his lips gently.

"We left for like 2 hours. This is what we come back to?! Cookies, flower everywhere and you two kissing. Okay than." Mr. Gilinsky laughs.


My opinion on this Carter Reynold thing.

Carter was never the most innocent of the boys. He was always a little stetchy with some of the stuff he did but I didn't really care. At the time (Back in December) I would have defended him on a lot of shit. I also had the pleasure of meeting him back in December. Idk maybe I will get hate for this but I am done with being a fan of Carter. 

Yea I know he explained everything on twitter today but I'm still uncertain on it.

A) His girlfriend is underage (Even though he's 19 and she's almost 17) so doing shit with her is still technically statutory råpé.

B) He shouldn't have filmed it, yeah I know, "But dude couples do that all the time." Yeah well most couples that do that aren't exactly  famous/ well-known personalities now are they?

C) She was drunk. Yeah I know people say that he was too whatever.

D) He is the adult between the two of them. He should have known better, like honestly.

All I'm saying is this shit bothers me. I know he's not going to go to jail or anything but I feel uncertain about the entire situation.

Carter needs to smarten up or he will become as irrelevant as Ke$ha.

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