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Take a moment to breathe guys I FOUND GILINSKY'S OLD MYSPACE ASDFGHJKL.


Jg Pov

Fuck my life...I want to sleep in but of fucking course not. No instead Flowercrown is dragging me to school. But he's cute so I guess it's okay. He wouldn't let me drive to school this morning so we're taking his car....well I actually think it's Jeff's because he was arguing with him this morning about the car aha. He's so cute.

"Baby, I can't open my locker.." He says groaning at me and hiding his face in my neck.  I smile at him and kiss his cheek.

" There you go love." He instantly smiles and kisses me thanking me. Honestly since we walked in together we have had so many people looking at us. I don't get why, it's not like they haven't seen a gay couple before and it's not like I bullied Flowercrown. People are just weird.

I kissed the top of his head and he walked into class, talking to our teacher. Awe he's such a dork he is so cute. He laughs at something the teacher said. Okay than. I see Sam walk in without Nate...That's weird they always come in together.

"Yo Sam. What's up? You look sad about something?"

I'm actually worried like he is never dressed like this for school. He's wearing the shittiest clothing he owns, his hair isn't done up and he's wearing his glasses. He looks almost like he's heartbroken. But it's Sammy, like he doesn't get attached to anyone. Why would he.

"I'm fine. I just want to be alone today G okay?" I don't like seeing him like this. He walked away sadly. Poor dude... I suddenly see Nate. He looks just as bad.

"Nate, dude what's up with you and Sam? Y'all both look like shit no offence."

He doesn't even answer me. He just walks into class. Was it me? Did I do something? I want my Flowercrown now... I walk into class and see Nate drawing. He only draws when he's upset...

I walk over to my baby and sit next to him. He says something that makes me giggle and I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Jack why are you hanging out with him? He's...Ew..." Some random ass fucking girl says. She thinks she can say that to me and not die?

Jack looks down and starts writing something down. No my baby is upset. Protective mode activated. aha. I sound like a robot.

"I'll have you know, this boy is not ew. He is smart, funny, adorable and he is an amazing fucking kisser so unless you would like to say anything else that is fucking ignorant about my boyfriend than I think you should shut the fuck up hoe." 

Jack giggles and smiles instantly. Crisis averted. Mission complete. ahahaha. I grasp his hand and this bitch looks at me in disgust.

"G I never thought you would be a queer." She looks down at her paper and starts to work.

Fucking whore's these days. As soon as a guy doesn't want your rank ass pussy you get all bitchy. Rude and disrespectful.

-Skip to lunch-

Flowercrown and I decided to sit outside and eat. He isn't really eating though...

 I got Sam and Nate to sit with us but they aren't sitting next to each other.  Nate is sitting closer to Jack and Sam is sitting closer to me. They still won't talk. This is getting fucking annoying. All they do is sigh and whimper. When I say whimper I don't mean like a whimper like I make Jack do when I kiss his neck..Mmmmh I could go for some of that right now.... JACK OFF TRACK. Anyways they are being annoyinggggg...

"Okay, Sam. Nate. One of you tell me what the fuck is up because I can't take this fucking silence anymore."

Sam opens his mouth to say something but then closes it when he looks over to Nate. Nate on the other hand...

"You want to know what's wrong? People don't seem to understand that being gay isn't a choice. People don't wake up one day and go 'Yeah I would love to be beat up because I love someone the same gender as me. That sounds dandy.' That's what's wrong. I mean maybe you should just ask Sam about it because I mean like he probably won't be your friend anymore because you know you're gay and being gay is a sin. But I mean hey, Sam is the most perfect person ever too. Like he's not gay, he's an angel sent from heaven to tell people to not be gay and hate on them if they are."

Holy shit. Jack and I just sat there completely shocked. Nate never says things like that. Especially not about Sam.

Sam doesn't say anything but I see tears forming in his eyes. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! NATE SPOKE HIS MIND, SAM IS CRYING. WHAT NEXT JACKY KISSES A GIRL? LIKE THE FUCK?

Nate gets up and starts walking away and Sam gets up and tries to follow him.

"Fuck off Samuel. I don't need you in my life...Not anymore..." Nate never swears. What just happened?

Sam stops and Nate just keeps walking. Sammy drops  to the floor and starts crying uncontrollably. Jack runs over and starts comforting him. Awe he's so sweet.

I rush to go find Nate but he isn't anywhere to be found. I decide to check if his car is there which it isn't. I get this terrible feeling in my stomach that I can't ignore. (Hate this word.. It sounds nasty. I like Tummy. It's a cute and nice word.:)) It's the same feeling I had after Sam would say something mean to Flowercrown. He's probably went home. I just need to check.

I run over to Jack and kiss his cheek stealing his keys from his pocket.

"Wha-Babe? Where are you going with my keys?" Jack says holding Sammy closer as he continued to bawl.

"I have to go check something I will be back before the end of the day. I'll pick you up don't worry." I smile and kiss him again before I run to his car. I rush to Nate's house. You better be okay...


Hey loves. Is anyone going to Warped tour this year? What stop if you are, I wanna see if I will see anyone there! <3

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