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Jj pov

You know growing up I always knew that I was different. When I came out to my mom, she told me she already knew... At first I didn't know how to take my mother assuming I was gay. What if I wasn't... I mean look at Sam Wilkinson. He's so girly, if he put a wig on he would be a really flat girl.. God mom.

I didn't realize it but I was on the stairwell laughing alone... wow loner ville, population me. Just then I started to hear a voice. It was pretty familiar but not at the same time. Instead of this person coming near me and asking why Im here alone, I got up and started walking down the stairs...


"See you later guys" I heard Jack call out and walk closer. Great. This is going to be so awkward, like nobody uses these stairs so why would the openly gay boy be sitting there other than to hide from everyone. Oh god he's close... Please don't talk to me. Please don't talk to me. Please do- "Oh, Hi Flowercrown! I thought you would have been in the green house on the roof or something. You mind if I sit with you?" SHIT. Why does he have to call me that?! and How the fuck am I supposed to reply.

 He looked at me weird and sighed "I mean if you don't want me to sit with you that's okay but just say it..." I snap out of my thoughts. He began to walk away looking upset. I'm seriously going to regret this. "Oh, uhm Jack come back.. sit with me... " I said almost inaudibly whilst covering my hands with my sleeves.  He turned around almost immediately and sat with me. "So.. how is your day so far?" he spoke as he blushed lightly. "Good, I guess I mean like other than the usual fag comments. Yours?"


"That's good. Well not the name calling but the part where you said you were having a good day.. I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have bothered you." AWEEE ohkay that was cute. "Jack, If you don't mind me asking, what's wrong?" I asked as calmly as possible. "I have a lot on my mind right now.. that's all." He's hiding something. I wish I could help him.

Jg Pov

"I have a lot on my mind right now...that's all." Yah sure. Jesus I'm stupid. I want to kiss you Jack. NO. STOP GILINSKY. NO.TUMBLR.COM. I can't be gay. Especially not for a flower crown wearing, sweater-loving, blue eyed, blonde haired, pale skinned, beautiful boy like him. I DID NOT JUST SAY THAT, HOLY SHIT WHY CAN'T MY BRAIN DO ANYTHING RIGHT. GOD DAMN YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE GAY. BEING GAY IS DISCUSTING. My thoughts got cut off when Jack stood up and said  "Well than... I expect that being said from Nate or Sam but not you Jack."  He rolled his eyes and walked away. Shit are you kidding me.

Just then the bell rang. I sighed, got up and walked to class. Thankfully I have this class with Jack and no Sam or Nate. I mean I love them but still, they make fun of Flowercrown and he's so innocent and defenceless I kind of just want to hold him and tell him that it'll be okay. We didn't talk all class which was sad but I powered through it I guess.

At one point I looked over at him as he looked focused but it obviously wasn't on the work because I saw him had that into the teacher like 5 minutes after we got it... Smart ass. I looked over to see him  staring at a drawing intensely. Omfg its beautiful, it had two people standing in a sunset. (Pic at the side/front of chapter) One way taller than the other but it didn't look like a girl and a guy, it resembled two guys which makes sense because he's gay.

My thoughts are cut off when the bell rings. As we all start getting up the teacher has to stop us and says  "Oh yeah I chose your partners for your science fair project I'm going to post them right now so take a look before you leave today!" We all sigh and get up to look at the list. Just as i'm about to check I feel someone tug lightly on my sweater. "Um.. we are partners..." I turn around to see Flowercrown standing there shy as fuck. Awe he seems nervous.. OF COURSE HE IS JACK. YOUR FRIENDS ARE ASSHOLES TO HIM, HE ASSUMES YOU ARE TOO. BE NICE. "O-o-okay." Smart  Jack, you had to say one word and you manage to stutter it. Idiot.  "We can discuss the project at my house after school, unless you're busy..." He said almost inaudibly.  I just nod and he walks away. I assume that means that I should find him after school.. this should be fun..

I get to my next class and all I can think about is him. Nobody I know and or like is in this class so this is the only class where I allow my thoughts of him to take over.

JJ Pov

That was... uhm... Awkward as fuck. I sigh My next class is art, FINALLY! Funny enough I'm friends with the teacher. I always help her clean up and its really fun. The class goes by really fast. As soon as the bell rings everyone runs out  and I start picking things up. Mrs. Callim opens my bag and takes out my sketch pad. "Flip to the newest drawing, What do you think of it?" I call out to her as I put a few paint brushes away. She instantly gasps and happily smiles. "Awe does Jack have a little crush on a boy?" she teases and I instantly start blushing. "Maybe... I mean like I do but he's extremely straight so I would-" I'm cut off when nobody other than Jack walks in and I instantly blush even harder than before. "Hey, I asked Arianne and she said I would find you in here... wait weren't you drawing that in science? It's beautiful. You are so talented." He says as he looks at my drawing.  Mrs.Callim smirks and opens her mouth to say something than shuts it as I grab my book, shove it in my bag and grab Jacks hand pulling him out of the room and towards the doors of the school whilst yelling out "Goodnight Mrs.Callim." We walk over to his motorcycle... Jesus fucking christ.. I take my flowercrown off and put it in my bag to see Jacks goofy smile fade.

 "Whats wrong?" I say. He looks at me and says "You decrowned yourself Flowercrown." I smirk and sigh as I put on the helmet he passes me and get on the death trap.

This is going to be interesting


Aha i dedicated this to @Mendesjohnson just because they reminded me of the pic. Thanks love<3

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