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I love this picture of Skate!

Did you hear Skate's new mix tape though?? It's perfection.


Nate's Pov

I decided to go over to Sammy's house after school to check on him. His dad, drunk as can be, answered.

''The fucking dumbass is in the hospital or something. He can't take a fucking punch.'' Is all his dad said to me as soon as he saw me. What the heck?? How did he know what I wanted, maybe I forgot a sweater here or something.... WAIT MY BABY IS IN THE HOSPITAL?? I nearly jumped into my car and sped off in the direction of the hospital.

When I got there I ran up to the front desk lady out of breath.

''Hello young man! How can I help you??'' She said all cheery. NOW IS NOT THE TIME LADY.

''Sam...Wilk...Wilkinson...W-what room i-is he??'' Is all I could get out as I tried to catch my breath.

''Uhmm... Room 294. It says you are okay to see him, he should be up.''

I smile at her lightly and start walking towards his room. My poor baby...he's all hurt and its probably all his dads fault. I don't think Sammy likes his dad too much...he started to get sadder and sadder after his mom left without him. I feel so bad, the night it happened I held him in my arms so tightly.


''Babe...How could she? HOW FUCKING COULD SHE?'' He said sobbing into my chest. I rubbed his back for a good 20 minutes with me everyone once and a while lightly shhhh'ing him.

''Hun, things are meant to happen...If anything she will come back for you. Try to get some rest babe.'' I said laying down and pulling him down with me. Then it happened, he looked at me dead in the eyes and kissed me. I know it was just because he needed to feel compassion and that he didn't mean it in that way but it was really passionate and I loved every second of it...

-End of Flashback-

From that night on I realized that I was in love with him. His lips were so soft and untampered i never felt so happy. That day forward I started noticing how he would act around me. It didn't say 'In love' but it didn't say 'Not in love'

Jg Pov

I woke up this morning happy. I am actually happy. I didn't feel anyone cuddled into my side and I didn't feel anyone around me so I instantly got upset. Noooo he couldn't have left..Right? Wait what if what I thought was last night was actually a dream?

I did my morning routine than headed downstairs. As I walk into the kitchen I see Jack sweetly making breakfast whilst dancing to music. He was wearing one of my shirts and no pants and let me tell you this is leaving nothing to the imagination...

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him resting my head on his shoulder which made him tense up.

''Good morning Jack, your parents both left already.'' I smiled into his neck than let go of him. I picked him up and set him on a clean spot of the counter. He giggled as I sat him down so I kissed his cheek. I thought it would get him to stop instead it made him giggle more. Fuck, I think he knows what that laugh of his does to me...

''Jack, I don't have anything to wear to school today...'' He said sadly.

''Baby, you spent the night at my place and you still think you're going to school? '' I said winking at him and laughing. I saw a blush creep onto his face as he looked in a deep thought. He simply nodded and started swaying his legs back and forth on the counter.

Once breakfast was done and we finished cleaning we both sat down on the couch. We have already decided the fate for today; Netflix binge. I mean why not. I texted Nate for him to tell my teachers that I wouldn't be in today and Jack called his mom saying that he wasn't feeling to good and I said I would watch him.

We were in the middle of our 7th movie of the day when I noticed that Jack fell asleep. He snuggled into my chest like a kitten, it is the actual like cutest thing ever. I kissed the top of his head lightly and fell asleep as well.

-Couple hours later (They've woken up)-

''Jack, were home!'' My mom and dad both hollered at me from the door. I bounced up and walked to them hugging my mother. Jack came up and my parents both smile at him.

''I should get going. It was nice seeing you.'' He said as he slipped his shoes on. I walked outside with him.

''I'll see you at school tomorrow. Lunch together?'' I smiled already knowing the answer. Before I allowed him to try and respond sassily I kissed his cheek.

''Y-yeah. Bab-Bye Jack.'' He said walking in the direction of his house. I walked back in smiling happily.

''Jack, honey... Is there something you want to tell us? Like Jack has been over quite a lot lately and we were just wondering if maybe you were.. uhmm'' My mom says sitting on the couch I had sat down on.

''Am I what mom?''

''Are you...-'' ''Jack are you gay, we have no problem if you are, we just want to know.'' My dad cuts my mom off.

They both look like they have the same emotion which almost seems like hope? Do they want me to be gay? Did they assume? Maybe they don't want to deal with some Prego bitch aha. I smile contently at my parents.

''Indeed I am. I just recently found out though. Jack and I aren't together if that was your next question. I would love to date him but I don't think he's into me.'' I say as I get up and go upstairs to my room.

UGH I finally decide that I'm gay and the boy I like probably doesn't want me back...

GRRRR... I sigh and fall asleep quickly dreaming of his crystal blue eyes and his adorable laugh. I miss his touch already.


Hiya people! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I wasn't going to update but @harleykitts encouraged me to! Love you <3

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