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If anyone ever wants to get me flowers these would be them. Maison des Fleurs just presents them so beautifully. These are hella expensive though. They're like 250 dollars for a box. aha Oh well.


Jg Pov

I'm laying on my bed completely bored. I may not have explained what is going on. I'm actually just taking a break from school. I got my mom to tell the school we are going on a trip for like two weeks. Thankfully two weeks gives me enough time to think things through than go to prom hopefully with him.

I have like every possible way to ask him planned out I have no idea what to choose though.

I have been flipping through this book of ideas for the past fucking hour since I got back from the therapist.

You know I really opened up to her and it feels a lot better. It's kind of nice talk to someone that doesn't know anything about you. It's like they can't judge you for anything you say to them.

Anyways back to the prom ideas.

I could write him a song, get a pizza that says prom on it, Romeo and Juliet this shit and tell him I would die for him if that meant I could go to prom with him... aha it would be more like Romeo and Romeo... aha.

Wait, I still need to get him back...FUCK.

How am I supposed to go to prom with him if he doesn't even like me right now? Fucking hell man.

I groan loudly and get up out of my bed.

I stumble down the stairs and walk into the kitchen to see my sisters with their friends laughing about something.

"Jack, You look like shit what's up?" My sister Molly exclaims while Laura and their friends agree.

"Life fucking happened. I haven't slept in a fucking month and Jack still hates me. I can't deal with this anymore. I just want it to all end. I want to finally go to sleep one night...ONE FUCKING NIGHT IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR? Maybe I wouldn't wake up..."

"Jack, oh my god. Don't speak like that-""JACK."

I dropped to the ground crying. I can tell they knew this was serious because I never cry in front of them.

"Bro, Maybe we can help you... Is there anything we could do?" Laura says whilst rubbing my back gently.

I sigh loudly and rest my head on her chest.

"Jack...You could think of something to get him back... Anything.. I-I... Nevermind..."

"Of course we can think of something. But what was it that you were going to say?"

"N-nothing... It's okay."

"No. Jack tell us it's okay... Nobody will judge."

"I-I love him... I need him..." I stuttered out.

There were loads of AWE's and THAT'S SO CUTE.


We talked about it for like an hour and we came up with a few things. The list isn't that long but I mean like it's better than nothing.

"So I will contact Shawn and figure out his favourite flowers and I'll take him on a date? What if he doesn't say yes?"

"He will Jack don't worry." Molly reassured me.

I smile at them all. I'm so thankful for these people in my life.

Jj Pov

So my plan failed.

Originally I was going to go to his house and make up with him. BUT NO. STUPID JEFF WANTED HIS FUCKING CAR.

Honestly I don't know why he let me have the car this morning if he wanted it back like half way through the day.

So now I'm walking to his house. It's nice and cloudy outside so I guess it's not that bad. It could have been pouring rain.

I giggle as I see two little girls playing on a lawn.

They are so young... So innocent. I wish I was still young and innocent like them. They're happy and have no responsibilities or worries in the world. Their biggest worry is which dolly they are going to play with.

I wish I was still like them. I wish I didn't care about what I looked like. I didn't feel disgusting all the time. I didn't wish I was dead... Well I guess I was never innocent like that. The last time I was innocent and pure was when I was like 5.

My dad was still around then and I walked from playing at a friend's with my mom at the wrong time. My mom had things to do so she was just dropping me back off at home because my dad was home it was fine.

I'm cut off of my thoughts when I notice I'm at his door step.

I knock gently on the door and sigh.

Molly answers the door and smiles at me.

"Come in. Jack is in his room."


I walk upstairs and walk towards his door. I gently press it open when I see him on his bed with a book out.

"Molly, I'm fine. I'm not hungry." Is all he says.

"Well, I mean I'm not Molly but if you're fine than-"

"JACK! I mean.. uh... What are you doing he-"

I cut him off by kissing him passionately. He picks me up pulling me onto his lap as I push him down so he's on his back not breaking the kiss once. I don't think I'm going home tonight...


With the many fan fictions I read it's come to my attention that people don't know the difference between Threw and Through. So pay attention children

Threw; Past tense of throw.

Through; Moving in one side and out of the other side of an opening, channel, or location.

Incorrect; "The ball he through went right through me."

Incorrect; "The ball he threw went right threw me."

Correct; "The ball he threw went right through me."

I'm not perfect at grammar by all means but it's annoying to see this over and over again. If you know can hate on people for using the wrong there/their/they're but you don't know the difference between through and threw we cannot be friends.

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