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Two more!


Jg pov

-3 months later (Johnson is 5 months now)-

We are getting the genders of our babies today! I kind of hope we get at least one girl but I mean if we have two boys I'll still love them the same.

I guess I want a girl so I can spoil her because boys don't really like being treated like a princess.. well I mean except Jack. He loves it.

"Babe! Are you excited?! I can't wait!"

"I am baby! What gender do you want them to be?"

"I kind of want two boys. Boys are usually easier to handle and stuff. It would be nice but I mean I'll love them whatever genders they are."

He says rubbing his tummy.

Jack made me stop at Del Taco to get food which is really funny because he hates Del Taco but its whatever right?

He started giggling and I smile at him.

"What so funny baby?"

"Everything. I'm happy with life right now. I honestly could not be happier in this moment. Thank you."

"I love you honey. I try my best to keep you happy and it makes me happy when I know you are so Thank you."

He leans over, kisses me gently then rests his head on my shoulder.

We get to the office and we are instantly taken in.

"Hello boys! How are you today?"

"We're doing okay. You?" Jack says happily.

"I'm doing well thank you. Have you had any pains lately? Have they kicked or anything?"

"Uhmm.. My back hurts if I stand up for too long but that's it. They don't really kick at all."

The doctor smiles and nods while writing what Jack said down.

"Okay well let's get the ultrasound ready and we will figure out their genders."

Jack lays down and she starts the ultrasound.

"What are you two hoping for?"

"I think I might want two boys but Jack says he wants at least on girl."

I smirk and he looks over to me.

"I mean yeah I would like a girl but I mean if we have two boys I'm good with that too. I will love them no matter what."

I take his hand in mine and rub his with my thumb.

"Okay I'm almost certain on one of their genders."

"What is it?!"

Jack is really excited. Even thought when he first told me he thought his life was going to be over.

Apparently when a boy has a baby they don't expand the tummy. They grow like normal babies should but they just don't make the pregnant belly from. I have no idea but I mean Jack is happy about it. He was complaining about having stretch marks to the doctor so she told him that he wouldn't get any because his tummy won't expand so he cried.

He claimed it was because of the hormones but I think he was just happy he wouldn't have to buy new clothing.

"Okay, the first one is.. a boy."

"YAY!" Jack gets really excited.

"Annnnnndd the second one is... Uhm..give me a second."

Jack looks over to me and smiles widely.

"The first is a boy! I'm really excited now! "

"Baby, I'm so excited for this... For us..."

"Alrighty, the second is also a boy. Congratulations boys."

Jack gets cleaned up and we leave the office.

"Can we stop at the grocery store quickly?"

"Alrighty honey."

Jack has been really into eating raw cake mix. I don't mean like batter that just needs to be put into the oven, No. I mean the legit mix that just came out of the box.

It's weird but I mean who am I to judge.

We stop at the store and Jack drags me over to the cake mixes.

"What kind.. What kind..."

He grabs like 3-4 different boxes and 2 tubs of icing. Holy crap this boy can eat.

You're probably thinking oh he's probably going to eat that for the next like 2 days. NOPE. That will be gone by tomorrow morning.

It's all good though because unlike the cake mix, he gets tired of eating the icing quickly so I get the rest.

-Later that Night-

Jack and I are watching movies and eating right now.

"Babe, you want the rest of the icing?"

"Of course my love."

I take the spoon and icing from him then begin eating it as he takes out more cake mix. I swear he's going to be 400 pounds by the end of this pregnancy but oh well I'll still love him.


If you guys want a sequel to this book tell me because I won't write it if you don't want it.

I want to say congrats to the LGBTQ community in the US, it's now legal for you to get married in any state! 

Also in Canada, the pride parade was today and Bianca Del Rio is here.. I WANTED TO SEE HER SO BAD. 

But because I was raining my parents said we couldn't go. I was so sad but I mean like Snapchat has a pride story today so maybe I'll see her on there. 

I have been re-watching season 6 and I used to think Courtney Act should have won but now I'm certain Ru made the right choice when Bianca won.

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