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Can we just OmG Ah. That moment when Johnson has nicer legs than you... Aha


Jj pov

Oh my fuck...Its him... I thought I got rid of him....



"SHAWNNNNNNY!!!!!!!!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH....What the fuck did you call him Hun for? He's evil.." I say getting out of his arms and point over to.... it... Kenny doesn't deserve Shawn. He is such a sweet heart.

"Uhmm, well you see... a couple months after you left and Kenny came back from the mental institution he came over to apologize to the both of us and he assumed that you were at my house.. I let him talk and I realized that he is the sweetest boy in the entire world... I love him." He said snuggling into Kenny's arm.

JESUS FUCK SHAWN... I guess if he is still happy than he's not hurting him. Fine I'll be okay with it....for now.

"Jack, honestly I am so sorry for all the pain I caused you. I am forever in your debt, if you ever need anything I will be there." Kenny smiles lightly at me. It was kind of cute...NO JACK STOP. YOU LIKE JACK. HE MAKES YOU HAPPY...well not right now but still.

"Yeah, Maybe we could catch-" "Mr. Holland? the doctor will see you now and is anybody here for Mr. Gilinsky?" I smile widely at Shawn.

"I'll see you guys later okay?" Shawn smiled and passed me his phone quickly. I typed my number in and walked away.

I follow Julie into the room. AWE HE BROKE HIS HAND.. MY POOR BABY. He groans when he tries to grab his water with that hand. Oh... That wasn't smart.

"Jack, uhmm are you okay? Also I'm sorry for what I said earlier.." I say walking up to his bed grasping his other hand.

"Flowercrown, I'm fine I got angry and punched the wall at school. It's okay I understand I did leave you anyways... " He mumbles.

"Baby, I'm just happy you aren't that hurt very badly."

I quickly lean down and peck his lips feeling my cheeks heat up. He seemed dazed

"Flowercrown?" he whispers


"Kiss me again" He says almost in audibly.

I instantly attacked him with kisses. I have never felt so amazing. He kissed back roughly. The taste of mint taking over me. We pulled apart completely out of breath.

"That was...-" "I know" We both smile at each other contently.

"I'm sorry that I left you. I actually went to go get drinks than the guys made me go with them."

He actually seems truthful. Maybe I was a bit hard on him.

"It's okay, uhmm... how exactly did they force you though? You're the toughest guy in school..."

"They...uhm...Kept threatening to hurt you. I couldn't let that happen baby." Oh. Awe that's so sweet. I quickly pecked his cheek happily and held his un-broken hand.

Jg pov

I know I know Jack, how could you lie to that lovely boy that is concerned for you. I couldn't just tell him that I didn't want friends knowing I was gay. They would hate me. Although I didn't technically lie because I know that they would hurt him if they knew I was gay and liked him.

They would blame him and it isn't his fault... I just noticed that I liked boys because of him...There is a difference... Right? Yeah of course there is.

"Mr. Gilinsky you can now sign out and leave as we have already diagnosed you." The nurse says sweetly to me. Awe she's so kind. I smile and nod at her. She winks at Jack and leaves cheery. I instantly hate her. Bitch he is mine. I tug him closer to me buy the waist

"Why did she wink at you." I state more than saying it as a question. He pets my cheek with the back of his hand gently.

"I know her. I would often come here because of Sam so we started becoming friends that's all. She knows I'm gay don't worry." Oh okay. That's good than. I smile gently at him.

He makes me the happiest I have ever been. Oh my god, I'm so thirsty right now. It was like an instant wave of thirst hit me. (;)) I can't fucking grab it though.

"Uh, Jack? Could you pass me my water?" I say innocently.

He walks over to my water than walks out the door. WHAT THE FUCK? WHY DID HE DO TH-oh. Awe he got me a straw. He is such a sweet heart.

"Oh my lord you look like I was going to steal your water and never come back. You looked so sad and helpless. " He says laughing. I smirk and giggle at him.

He walks closer to me and puts the straw to my lips. I start sucking it like there is no tomorrow and honestly it feels so good. (I WAS RE-READING THIS CHAPTER AND REALIZED HOW NAUGHTY THIS SENTENCE SOUNDED. FUCK IT I'M LEAVING IT. LEAVE ALL THE NAUGHTY COMMENTS YOU WANT.)

Jack started laughing and it made me blush. Fuck look at what this boy does to me.

"Flowercrown, Can we leave?" I say trying to play my blushing off.

"Of course we can. You want to stay over tonight? It's okay if you don't want to, I mean like yo-"

"I would love too." I say cutting him off. I don't like it when he talks poorly about himself. It makes me upset...


Sawz if this seems a little short. I update like every two days though so Hater back off. Aha Love you <3.

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