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Did you see the Nothing To A King music video? Can I just say I own that chair. like legit. Just whilst theirs is white and red mine is brown completely..


Jg pov

For the past couple days Nash has been non-stop bothering me about the dance. I don't know what it is with this kid but if I hear him ask me who I'm going with one more time I will punch him in the face.

Thankfully he isn't here today because he has some doctors appointment which he mentioned multiple times.

 I'm at my locker for the last time picking up a couple things  and of fucking course the biggest hoe of the school Anna is talking nonstop. Her with her annoying ass voice, it's so fucking nasally and annoying I think I'm am going to kill her.

"So are you like going to prom with anyone yet?" She laughs as she's talking and it is not helping her case at all.

"You know, I am in fact gay. I don't want your stank ass pussy anywhere near me. I don't want to listen to your stupid ass annoying ass voice anymore and for the love of god please stop being so god damn stupid. If you opened a book as much as you opened your legs than maybe your vocabulary would be a lot more vast and you could actually do well in school and not have to be a hooker for the rest of your fucking life." I blew it.

Honestly she picked the worst fucking time to talk to me. Jack's locker isn't too far from mine and I think he heard everything because he's laughing... Or maybe one of those two guys said something... it's probably that I mean he doesn't want to talk to me at all.

Why did I have to fall for him so god damn hard?!

Why Jack really? You know why.

You fell for him because of his smile, his bright blue eye, his laugh, his sigh, his comfort, his compassion, his smarts, his height, his crowns, his style, but most of all his heart. You love everything about this boy and you know it.

So why are you putting yourself through this Jack? Why?

Because you can't bring yourself to believe you deserve him.

You're smile is shitty just like your eye colour, you don't laugh you cackle like an annoying ass bitch, you're an ugly way too tall imbecile that can't share his feelings. I don't know why you can't see you don't deserve him at all. Like why on earth you a boy that could be a tumblr model want you?

He doesn't need you...

Jj pov

I need you...

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I miss you...

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I miss you...

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I'm nothing without you...

Jj Pov

I'm a lost boy from never land usually hanging out with Peter Pan... But Where did you go? (If you know where this is from ILY)

Jg pov

Why won't you come back to me lost boy?

Jj Pov

I can't do this anymore. I miss him too much.

"Earth to Jack?" Shawn said whilst waving hand in front of my face.


"You're staring.. Uhmm did you see the messages he sent you last night?"

"No, what messages? Why did you read them?" What the fuck is he talking about? Messages? Why is there more than one?

I pull my phone out and go to his name... I may or may not have renamed him from Jacky with million kissy faces to Fuckboy... I WAS MAD OKAY.

I read the messages and I instantly started crying... I have ruined everything. I never deserved him...

Yeah Jack you don't you're fat, short, ugly and worthless. Do what everyone wants you to do.  Kill yourself. (I don't think about Jack like this. He is perfect in my eyes and always will be.)

I went to walk over to him when he walked away. I ran after him and step in front of him.

"Jack, What are you doing? I can't be on the property anymore. I have to go..."

"No. Don't leave Jack. What happened to Flowercrown?"

"Jack I have to g-"

"No, Tell me why didn't you say this to me in person? Why did you text it to me instead? WHY AREN'T YOU CALLING ME FLOWERCROWN? YOU ALWAYS HAVE. "

"I didn't say it in person because I didn't want to see your face when you reject me. I texted it to you so I could cry when you laugh at me for being melodramatic and over-exaggerative. Lastly, I don't deserve to see you smile when I call you the nickname I gave you. Now please move babe."

I step to the side and he rushes past me... That's it he's gone...

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This is it. It's done. I am not going to see him anymore. I won't get to go to prom with him, I won't get to wake up next to him every morning, I won't get to see his smile, I won't get to one day move in with him , I won't be able to one day ask him to marry me, I won't be able to call him Jack Johnson-Gilinsky... Yeah I thought about all these things.. I love him too much to lose him I just need some time alone.

 __________________________________________________________________My mom is so funny, she was talking about music with someone and the person was like to me

 What kind of music do you like?

I looked at her and I was like

oh you know just like death metal, punk, screamo, rap, like Jack and Jack

My mom looked at me and she was like

Aren't those the gay guys you were talking about one day....

she was talking about Matthew Lush and Nick Laws... aha

The persons face when I said death metal tho. aha #Priceless :)

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