Chapter 2 - Hello there!

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 "Don't!" I screamed, but it was too late.

 Before I knew what I was doing, my body had already moved, jumping straight down after him.

 This, however, I only realized once I was already falling through the air.

 Huh? Why did I do that?

 It was the first time I acted without thinking. Was it the fact that I didn't want to lose that calm I hadn't felt in thousands of years or was it something else? None of it mattered now. Even I couldn't get out of this situation unharmed. It would already be good if I only broke a few bones from falling from a height like that.

 On that note, where is the little guy?

 I looked around as I fell, the little musician nowhere to be found.

 What the hell? I swear I saw him jump. There's no way I'm tired enough to hallucinate something like that.

 But still, if I didn't hallucinate, where was he?

 I looked around everywhere, but he was nowhere to be found. The only place I hadn't looked was...

 Above me.

 Already resigned to my falling fate, I turned my body around, only to come face to face with a pair of deep blue eyes that seemed to glow like the stars.

 "Hello there!" A high-pitched voice sounded.

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