Side story 15.2 - Xiao's drunken antics

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I guess I could tell you what Xiao did...

 Venti's POV

 Just how much did he drink?

 Xiao had passed out cold in my arm halfway to the bedroom.

 Normally, even if one drank a few bottles, something like this wouldn't happen.


 I don't actually know how good Xiao's alcohol tolerance is.


 I put him down on the bed and was about to go get some water when-

 "Gods! Xiao, calm down!"

 He sat up out of nowhere.

 "Xiao, are you-"

 "I went to pick up that box you told me about."

 "I know, but you should really lie down-"

 "Childe was there. Istaroth had kidnapped him."

 Huh? Childe?

 Istaroth kidnapped him?

 Even if she's interested in his abyssal powers, she really shouldn't just kidnap him.

 "Childe had your box, well he had the bottle that was in it. Istaroth told him he could try the wine if he wants to."

 Istaroth that annoying little-

 "Childe annoyed me into drinking too. After that, I ended up like this. I dropped him back at Morax's place before coming here."

 That damn little harbinger!

 I'll make sure to beat him up later.

 But now...




 "Xiao! Xiao Xiao!"

 He had passed out again...

 What was that?

 Too drunk to stay conscious, but still wake up to report what happened?

 Did Morax teach this to him or something?

  If that's so...

 I'll make sure to have a long chat about it with him next time.

 First Istaroth.

 Then the harbinger.

 And finally Morax.


 It seems like I'll be busy.

 I should probably-

 Suddenly, I was pulled down by my collar.



 "It's hot." He mumbled.

 He had let go of my collar. Luckily too, otherwise, I wouldn't have had time to hold myself up and would have fallen on top of him.

 Though even now, leaning over Xiao like this...

 I couldn't help but blush.

 "I can make it a bit cooler if you want to-"

 "No. Clothes..."

 "What about them?"

 Suddenly, he grabbed my hand, almost making me lose my balance.

 He put my hand on his chest and looked up at me with a flushed face, pupils blown wide.

 "You... You can just take them off, no?"


 I froze.


 What did he just...

 What was that?

 Then, he started pouting, likely because of my lack of action.

 He let go of my hand and grabbed my collar again, pulling me down to-





 But then, he let go and...

 He passed out again. 






 What was that?

  And as I was in a full-on crisis...


 Oh, dear Celestia!

 He woke up again!

 "You said I was pretty..."

 Yes, yes, I said that.

 But do you have to bring that up now?!

 "If I'm pretty, won't you kiss me?"

 A kiss?

 He wasn't a kiss?

 Didn't he just...

 But well, who am I to say no-

 Damn it!

 He's out again!

 Is this some kind of weird drunk habit?!

 I really can't take much more of this!

 "I have to do something about this."

 And I have to do it now!

 Right now!

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