Chapter 4 - A Lullaby

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 "Till we meet again, Xiao."

 At first, I just continued walking, but then I stopped, whipping my head around.

 When did I tell him my name?!

 Turning around, I expected to see the smiling bard, but instead, I was only met with the wind and the scent of cecilias.

 Where did he go? I didn't even sense him move. He just disappeared.

 Walking back to the place where he had been standing, I try searching for clues, only to find a single stalk of Cecilia.

 "Well, it's obvious who this belongs to. But, where is the owner?" I mutter to myself.

 I continue my search for another hour, getting nowhere. Realizing how late it is, and how tired I am, I decide to go home and get some sleep. Collapsing from lack of sleep wouldn't help me with the search either.

 Getting back to Wangshu Inn, I collapse on my bed.

 "Now comes another night of nightmares."

 I had been having nightmares for years, probably a side effect of the karmic debt.

 "How I wish for just one good night's sleep."

 But I know that won't come. I have done too much for these nightmares to leave me alone.

 As I resign myself to my fate and drift off to sleep, I seem to hear a soft melody.

 Is that lullaby? Just how tired am I to imagine something like that?

 And so, along with the gentle sound of a lyre, I drift off to sleep.

 For once a peaceful sleep, without nightmares.

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