Side Story 10 - Fragile

813 31 48

 Request by venti_oncrack 

 This is honestly depressing so you can only blame yourself for asking for it.

 Voila! A break-up with a bad ending. (As bad as it gets)

Venti's/3rd person POV

 "Venti I told you that-"

 "And I told you that I can't let you go alone."

 "I'm not a helpless kid!"

 "That doesn't mean that you can't be in danger."

 "Hah! And what would a weakling of an archon like you be able to do anyway?" Xiao scoffed in anger.

 "Xiao, I-"

 "Listen here now, Venti! I have had enough of your overprotectiveness!"

 "Xiao, listen-"

 "No, you listen. I said I had enough and I mean it. You never-"


 I had said it before I could properly process what I was saying.

 Shock filled his face hearing the name he had wished to forget.

 "I understand how you feel, but-"

 "No, Venti. You don't understand anything!"

 I felt something snap.

 This guy...

 "You're acting like a stubborn kid! If you don't want to listen to what I have to say, you might as well leave!"

 "You think I won't? If you're not around, at least I won't be treated like some helpless idiot anymore!"

 He turned around, walking towards my inner world's door.

 I felt anger rising within me. I was losing control.

 "If you leave through that door now, you don't have to come back ever again!"

 I regretted it the moment a said it, but it was already too late.

 Xiao turned to look back only to utter the most destructive sentence I could have ever imagined.

 "Fine by me." He spoke emotionlessly, slamming the door behind himself as he left.


 How could I have said something like that?

 "No, Xiao wait-"


 No, no, no, no, no! Please don't do this!

 He cut off the connection.

 I couldn't feel where he was, how he was feeling. I wouldn't know whether he was alright.

  "Please don't do this to me. I'm sorry, Xiao. I'm so sorry..."

 It feels so quiet, so empty, so...


 "Please, Xiao..."

 I can't take this.

 I can't lose you. Not after everything.


 I beg you.

 "Come back to me."

 He collapsed onto the ground, tears streaming down his face.

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