Chapter 28 - An old friend

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 Venti's POV

 "So what you're saying, is that you'll withdraw from your duties for the next month?"


 "Do I need to remind you that you only just started taking things back into your hands not long ago, Barbatos?"

 "I know, I know, but I really can't this month. I will do what I can on the weekends though!"

 "Ugh, Venti, you'll be the death of me someday." Jean sighed.


 "Don't you dare 'hehe' me, Venti. Just so you know, I'm expecting you to do at least half of what you usually do, even if you do it on the weekends."

 "Half?! Isn't that too much?"

 "When we started this, you told me to be strict with you. You also told me that if you have to do it anyway, you'll do it properly. So do what you set out to do, Barbatos."

 Looking her in the eyes, I could see that there's no way she would give way for any less, but still, half of a whole week's work in just two days is...

 "I could reduce your workload if you run some errands for me." She said suddenly.


 "Nothing too complicated, just small things I do while I'm outside with Klee once in a while. It would be rather fitting for your situation." She motioned to Xiao who was sitting on my lap.

 "That should be fine, I guess." As long as I still get some time to breathe on the weekends.

 "That's settled then. Here, take this. It's the list of errands for this week, I'll try reducing your workload in the meantime."

 "Thanks, Jean!"

 "No need. It's always good to see you tending to your duties, it's a pity no one really knows." She sighed.

 "Let's keep it that way. Mondstadt is better when the people are free."

 "It seems like you never change." Jean smiled and I couldn't help but tease her.

 "Oh, I can change."

 "Really? I don't think I've ever seen you any different than you are now." She looked a little confused.

 "Try getting me angry and you'll see."

 "No thank you. I think I like you the way you are now, Venti."

 "Hehe! I like it like this too, so it's lucky for both of us then."

 "Go, go, go. Get to your errand, you stupid tease of an archon." She groaned, realizing she was being teased.

 "Hehe! Bye Jean!"

 "Goodbye, Venti."

 I was just about to walk out the door when Xiao pulled my clothes, reminding me of something.

 "Oh, and I won't be staying here for a while." I turned around to say, and was faced with Jeans confused expression.

 "You won't?"

 "I don't think it's a good idea, the knights know Xiao after all. It would be annoying to come up with an explanation for this."

 "But Venti..."


 "Aren't you homeless?" She asked, her face filled with absolute confusion.

 "Excuse me?" Homeless? Me? Where did she get that from?

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