Chapter 12 - Nightmare

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Venti's POV

 I woke up, feeling something move next to me. I opened my eyes to see a white shirt.

 I questioned the identity of the white shirt, for a moment before the scent of qingxin filled my nose. I instantly realized who it was and jumped up, bumping into Dvanlin's wing, and waking him up in the process.

 "I-I didn't do anything this time I swear!"

 "Calm down, Barbatos. He showed up a little after you fell asleep. He came himself, you didn't drag him here if that's what you're thinking."

 Ouch. That hit the nail on the head. But, why was he here?

 "Did he say why he was here?" I asked as quietly as possible.

 "He just said he came to look for you."

 "That's it?"

 "That's it." Dvalin affirmed.

 "You two didn't fight while I was asleep did you?" I asked suspiciously, spotting the emerald-green spear under Dvalin

 "I don't think I have the ability to fight a yaksha without waking you, Barbatos. I control the wind, after all. I took the spear just in case."

 "That's true. But Dvalin-"


 I was interrupted by a grunt.

 Xiao was still sleeping on the ground, tossing left and right, obviously having a nightmare.

 "Should I wake him up?"

 "This is caused by his karmic debt, Barbatos. Waking him up won't do him any good."

 "I know, I know. I just don't want him to suffer." I mumbled sitting down next to Xiao.

 "Playing that song should help him sleep." Dvalin pointed out.

 I looked him in the eye before asking him the question on my mind.

 "But, what about you? That song won't exactly be good for you, you know that."

 "Your songs can't harm me anymore, Barbatos. I have heard far too many of them and I have heard them far too many times."

 "Will it really be okay?" I was still concerned.

 "Would I lie to you? I treasure my time too you know, especially now that I once again have my freedom. So, just do what you do best and play, Barbatos." He reassured me once again before lying down once again.

 "Thank you, my friend," I whispered without getting a reply.

 I leaned my back against Dvalin, putting Xiao's head on my lap so he could sleep more comfortably. After that, I pulled out my lyre and started playing.

 In the deep dark night

 When the end is nigh

 When demons run loose

 And monsters roam

 You shall slumber peacefully

 As my notes flow.

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