Chapter 61 - Gnosis

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Venti's POV


"Oh, you know me? But I have no idea who you are though. Someone this weak, I don't think we've ever met."

"You! How dare you call me weak! Did you forget, who I have in my hands?"

"Who do you have in your hands? Do you even have hands?"

"Hahaha! Even I know what that mark means! Are you really ready to watch him die?"

"Watch who die? I don't understand who, you're talking about."

"I'm talking about the yaksha- Where did he go?"

"Oh, so you were talking about Xiao. Oops, my mistake! Should I have left him in your hands? I have been holding him for a while now, did you not notice?"

I had grabbed Xiao the moment he called out my name. There's no way I would leave him there.

Right now, I was holding Xiao in my arms. He was shaking and breathing with much difficulty.

How dare this bastard!?

"When- How- Impossible!"

"Did you really think that you, a damn soul, could hold on to someone precious to me in my presence? How naive."

"No, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening! So many years... So much time spent waiting..."

"And yet, you still touched what's mine."

A fading soul, nothing more, and he dared to lay his hands on Xiao?!

"I don't even need my lyre for something like this."

How ironic. So weak, yet he caused so much harm.

Just then, I felt a small movement in my arms.


 I looked down, that bastard soul completely forgotten.

 "Ven-ti." He muttered so weakly my heart hurt.

 "I'm here. Don't worry, it will get better soon."


 No? What no?

 "Don't do it... I don't want it..."

 Ah, I almost forgot. He met Istaroth, so he probably knows.

 "Shh. Just take a nap. Everything will be fine when you wake up."

 "No... Venti..."

 He tried to protest but he couldn't resist when I used my powers to put him to sleep.

 Just like that. Just sleep for a while.

 "As for you..."

 I turned back to that bastard, my anger rising again.

  "I need to leave, for now, so I'll just leave you behind with Ei. Until I'm back, you'll suffer the pain of your soul being torn apart and reconstructed over and over again. That's the least I can do for you since you have taken suck good care of my Xiao."

 I smiled as the wind wrapped itself around something invisible.


 "I sent Kazuha a message so take care of him till they arrive. As for what you did... We'll talk about that when this is over."

 If anyone saw this, they would think I was talking to myself, or that I was crazy but...

 Anemo archon, huh? Hahaha! Bullshit! No one can fully control the wind! No one!

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