About the updates

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Hello everyone!

I apologize for the lack of updates the past two weeks or so. The wifi at my house was cut off and it won't be turned back on till the 1st of April.
Because of this I decided to write this note at least on my now almost nonexistent amount of mobile data so you won't wait for nothing.
To compensate for the lack of updates I'll be posting around 5-6 chapters on the weekend after I get wifi access again (that will be the 2nd and 3rd of april).
The reason I don't just write from my phone like for this message is because my screen is completly shattered and it's very uncomfortable to work with and posting this might just use up the last of my mobile data.

Sorry for the wait and see you next weekend!

PS: I'll have like 1 hour at school next Wednesday where I'll have access to a computer with wifi so I might post a chapter then.

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