Chapter 35 - A deal

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Xiao' POV

 Why is she here? More importantly, how did she enter?

 "It looks like you still haven't changed your password Barbatos. Tsk, tsk, it won't be good if some random people enter later."

 And you're the one talking?

 That was what I wanted to ask, but there's no way I would reveal myself just to ask that.

 Sadly, my thoughts were interrupted soon after.

 "You can climb down from that tree, you brat. I won't eat you, I promise." She grinned as she looked up at the tree.

 Was I found? Maybe not, she's not looking at me after all.

 "I'm talking to the one sitting on the third large branch from the right. If you don't come down yourself, I'll have to drag you down."

 Defeated, I jumped down from the tree, staring her straight in the eyes.

 As she looked at me, surprise with a touch of confusion filled her eyes, which finally turned into understanding.

 "Are you Barbatos' son by any chance? Did he end up marrying that yaksha?"

 I just stood there, as if struck by lightning.

 W-what? Where did that ridiculous idea come from?

 "No, I'm not! No way!"

 "Let me look at you for a second." Saying this she directly picked me up.

 I tried to struggle free, but I soon realized that I had absolutely no chance to even move, let alone leave her grasp.

 "Hmm... how interesting. It looks like someone temporarily turned back your time, though I don't really understand why your mind is intact... Never mind, that explains it. Looks like Barbatos finally took the first step, but it seems like he didn't fully succeed. Such a cute little mark, just like him." She mumbled as her hand went to my neck.

 "Put. Me. Down!"

 My elemental and adeptal energy burst out, and I was finally able to get away from her.

 I took a few steps back, holding my neck. She touched my neck, and I hated it. Venti was still fine, actually, even the first time when he bit me, I didn't really feel any repulsion, but my neck is really off-limits to others, even for Morax.

 "It seems like I touched something I shouldn't have. My apologies."

 Hmm? She apologized?

 "I didn't know you hated it that much. I apologize if I offended you."

 There. Again. She apologized.

 Like this, even I couldn't hold much of a grudge.

 "It's fine, I guess."

 "That good then. You're Xiao, right?"

 "How did you...?" Just moments ago, she said...

 "Well, first of all, if you're not their son, you could only be the man himself. Secondly, I just checked."

 Fair enough.

 "What do you want here?" For some reason, it felt like I had my territory invaded.

 "How fierce! I can kind of understand why that idiot fell in love with you now. How about we make a deal?"

 "A deal? Why would I make a deal with someone I don't even know?" She has yet to introduce herself, after all.

 "Oh, but you do know me, or at least you know who I am don't you?" She smiled.

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