Chapter 50 - Chaos on the Alcor

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 3rd person POV

 "So who do I have here? A yaksha, a wandering samurai, a firework maker, a housekeeper, the Shirasagi Himegimi, and the Yashiro commissioner. I might as well drown myself at this point. Xiao, do you intend to call that dragon friend of yours by any chance? If so, please tell me in advance." She didn't wait for an answer before turning around to instruct the crew.

 "I have a feeling we're a burden." Yoimiya spoke up as she looked at Beidous back.

 "I would be surprised if someone didn't feel burdened by having all of you on their ship." Thoma chuckled.

 "Oh, shut it!" She sent a glare at Thoma, catching sight of Xiao who was leaning over the railing.

 Xiao, without Venti around, went back to his usual mood, and when you top that with seasickness...

 "Hey, are you okay? Do you want to come over to have a chat?" It was a friendly question, the answer, however...


 "Wow! I should call the captain!" Saying that, she directly ran to find Beidou.

 "Trowing up? Ah, you're talking about Xiao? He'll be fine, don't worry. It's his second time so it should probably last shorter...probably."

 "He looks pretty bad though."

 "If you want to, you can try giving this to him. I'm not sure whether he'd want to eat it though." She held out a green herb.

 "What is it?"

 "It's something against seasickness. I bought it in Ritou when I hear he was coming too."

 "I'll give it to him!" With that, she ran off again.

 "I said you can try... Never mind, I just hope they don't get into a fight." 

 "Here, I got it from captain Beidou, she said it's good for seasickness."

 "I don't need it."

 "Oh, you talk!"

 This exclamation earned her a glare.

 "I'm sorry, I just haven't really heard you speak so it surprised me a little. But are you sure you don't need it?"

 "I'm sure." Short answer as ever.

 "Fine by me. I hear from Kazuha that you have a boyfriend. Wouldn't he be worried if he knew you weren't feeling well?" Bullseye!

 There was a short silence.

 "I'll take it."

 "Here you go! Why don't you try sitting down?" She offered

 Surprisingly enough, Xiao did sit down, leaning against the side of the ship. Yoimiya took the liberty to sit down next to him, ignoring the glares he was sending in her direction.

 "You don't like people, do you?" She asked eventually.

 In return she received a look that seemed to be asking: If you know that, why are you still here?

 "Okay, dumb question. Then, what's a yaksha? I heard the captain mention that you were one, but I have no idea what that is."

 Another round of silence commenced before Xiao spoke again.

 "You talk a lot."

 "I have heard so from others."

 "You're also very energetic."

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