Chapter 60 - Arrival

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Venti's POV

 Why, why now?! I thought it would be fine, it's just a few days, right?

 What would have happened if we didn't come out when we did? There's no way for me to feel what's happening outside while I'm in another god's inner world.

 They should be on Watatsumi island, right?

 I can't feel him and it's killing me! What's happening? It's as if he's already...


 No, he can't be! Even if it's just this, the fact that I'm still only coughing up blood to this extent shows that he's alive.

 "Let's go to the shrine first."

 That would be the safest guess.

 "Venti?" A weak voice calling out my name was the first thing that I heard.


 Why does he look so bad? This feeling... It can't be...

 "A fallen god's wrath?"

 Why was it here? There's no way Ei would allow something like this.

 "They went east." Another weak voice said.

 Only then did I spot Beidou along with the commissioner, who were in the same bad state as Thoma.

 "They went to some underwater ruin in the east. Xiao is...also there I think." She repeated.

 I turned to the east and without saying another word, I spread my wings.

 A shocked gasp came from behind me, but I  ignored it.

 Flying would be the fastest way since I don't know his exact location.

 I flew up and to the east. It didn't take long for me to spot the bit empty space in the sea.

 I landed and took out my lyre instead of my bow.

 Shooting something like this would be useless.

 As I walked through the corridor, I started hearing voices.

 It's not Xiao's.

 Should I be relieved or not?

 Soon I spotted the origin of them, and so did they.

 "Venti?" Kazuha was the first to notice me.

 "Where id he?" Where is Xiao?

 Instead of answering, he took a step to the side.

 What I saw at that moment, would be something I would never forget.

 The first thing I spotted was the wind barrier created by the familiar green spear, the next thing...

 My blood froze when I looked at the scene in front of my eyes. Xiao was kneeling on the floor, his shirt ripped, a hand made of dark smoke clenching around his neck.

 I clenched my lyre as I tried to control myself.



 "Get out."


 "All of you, get out."

 Leave before I lose it.

 I spoke without turning around, but I felt his hesitation. Just before I could say anything more, another voice sounded behind me

 "We should leave."

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