Chapter 37 - I know

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Venti's POV


 Pa-papa?! Did he just say, papa?!

 I was shocked beyond speechless. 

 "Xiao Xiao, what did you say just now?"

 I need to confirm I didn't hallucinate.


 Fuck! What is this?

 "Xiao Xiao, I'm not your dad. The person coming closest to a father figure for you would be Morax, but definitely not me."

 Damn it! What if it leaves some side effects after he turns big again?

 "Not papa?" he looked up at me with confused eyes.

 "No, not papa." 


 Fuck he's so cute!

 "Why don't we go to sleep now? You're probably exhausted after today, and Jean already gave me the next list of errands for tomorrow."

 It would be better if he went to sleep before he said anything else.

 "How about I play you a lullaby?"

 I saw his eyes sparkle at the idea as he nodded.

 This time, instead of my lyre, I took out a flute. If we're talking about a calming tune, then nothing would be better than that.

 I took a deep breath and started playing.

 It was an old tune, almost completely forgotten by all but one. Many may have heard it that night, a soft tone brought to them by the wind, but in reality, this tune was only for him.

 It had taken me quite the effort to sneak away from Xiao, who had fallen asleep on my lap. When I was leaving, I made sure to lock my inner world, but still...

 "He should be here soon." I stood on top of Starsnatch Cliff as I waited.

 "Did you wait long, Barbatos?" I heard a voice behind me.

 There he is.

 "Only a few minutes, Dvalin. So, how are your days in Inazuma?"

 "If you take out Yae Miko, then my days have been quite pleasing."

 "It seems like she's causing trouble all over Teyvat." She hasn't even left Inazuma, yet she made more than a little mess over here.

 "Just a few more weeks, Barbatos"

 "Probably more like a few more days," I muttered, but he seemed to have heard it.

 "Days? Aren't you miscounting a little?"

 "He met with Istaroth." I said simply and his face was immediately filled with shock.


 "I wasn't sure at first, I thought it was just a familiar smell, but when I checked later, I found a delayed spell cast on him."

 "Delayed spell..."

 "Though he did make quite the attempt to try and hide it."

 "You're grinning, Barbatos. Speak, what did he do?"

 "He called me papa."

 "Pa-papa?" Dvalins smile faltered.

 "That was exactly my reaction too. I have to say, that his little attempt to divert my attention almost worked. Had it not been for the fact that I was worried about the strange smell that appeared when he was supposed to be alone, the two of them would have gotten away with it."

 "It looks like she underestimated the extent you care for him."

 "I think even you underestimate that."

 "You're probably right. But Barbatos, can he do it?"

 "Albedo? Don't you know who he is?"

 "I know, but he's still young." He was worried.

 "Don't worry, he can do it, I'm sure of it." Since he said he was almost done, that means he's sure he would be able to finish it. 

 "Hah, Barbatos, do you know why I'm letting you get through with this?"

 "Because we're friends?"

 "It's because I know that you're one stubborn bastard!"

 That's a little harsh.

 "I'm helping you because I know that even if I didn't, you would still find a way to go through whit it. Like this, I can at least be sure that everything would go the best it could."

 "I suppose that's the difference between you and Istaroth." I laughed.


 "Probably only you know how stubborn I can be, hehe!"

 "Quit laughing, Barbatos. This is a serious conversation."

 "But I'm happy."

 I am, I really am. You're alive and well here with me, Istaroth returned as well, and then there is Xiao...

 "Hah! How did you even become one of the seven archons?"

 "Oh, I wonder."



 "Ugh, Barbatos, your gonna annoy me to death someday!"


 "Le's get back to the important things, okay? We don't have much time left."

 "Is there anything left to be said?"

 I don't think there was anything else.

 "Do you really think I spent so much effort just to have a chat with you?"

 "Was it wishful thinking?"

 "Hah! I wanted to relay something Miko told me. She said that while anyone's mind besides gods' would regress to that of a child if they were marked by a god, the effects would be uncertain. Xiao's mind might just be normal even if he currently looks like a child."

 There was a moment of silence before I answered.

 "I know. His mind is just fine, and his acting wouldn't fool anyone."

 "If you know, why not tell him?"

 "Just let him play. If he doesn't want me to know, then I'll just act like I don't." 

 "You're gonna spoil him."

 "That's exactly what I'm planning to do. He has suffered enough already, so now, when I have the chance, I'm gonna spoil him rotten."

 Isn't that the least I should do?

 "Oh, dear Celestia, who would have thought that you would become like this once you fall in love."

 "Haven't I always been like this?"

 "That's true. Istaroth and I have also been spoiled by you, though it was not even close to this."

 "Jealous?" I teased.

 "No, not really. I'm happy to be your friend and just that. Istaroth would probably say the same. I'm really happy for you, Barbatos." At the end, his voice started to fade, along with his figure.

 "It seems our time is up."

 "Illusions created by nothing but the wind don't last long, after all."

 I looked at his fading figure, and just before he disappeared, I spoke.

 "Thank you, Dvalin." Thank you for everything.

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