Chapter 24 - Breakfast

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 The sun slowly rose on the horizon, bringing thousands of colors to the leaves of the great oak in Windrise. The wind rose, creating a small breeze among the leaves, letting the light of the sun reach the two sleeping by the tree trunk.

 Touched by the light, one of them slowly moved, his eyes slowly fluttering open. The pair of golden eyes shone in the light of the rising sun, making them even more beautiful.

 Xiao's POV

 I was first to wake up. I opened my eyes to see the sun slowly rising on the horizon. I looked down at Venti who was still sleeping, a smile spread across his face.

 'Does he usually wake up late?' I wondered.

 "I wake up quite early actually." He spoke as his eyes fluttered open.

 "Good morning, Venti."


 While he said he woke up early, he still didn't make any attempt to actually get up, choosing to keep hugging me instead, closing his eyes once again.

 That's when I finally noticed... Venti... was still pretty much naked.

 "Uh, Venti..."


 "Would you mind putting your clothes on?"

 I felt my face heat up. Venti's eyes snapped open, glancing down at himself before his face too, went completely red.

 "Just give me a moment!" He said as he grabbed the bundle of clothes lying next to him, disappearing behind the tree.

 He returned a few moments later, now fully clothed, but still completely red. He was twirling his braid between his fingers and doing all he could to avoid eye contact, a thing he always does when he's flustered.

 Looking at him acting like this... He looked kind of...


 I immediately covered my mouth after realizing I said it out loud, but it was too late. I saw Venti look at me surprised before turning even redder if that was even possible.

 An awkward silence ensued between us, neither of us daring to speak first. That is, till it was interrupted by a certain sound.


 We both looked around, trying to find the source of the sound till we finally realized.


 It was my stomach.

 Now it was my turn to blush, cursing my stomach for betraying me in this situation, till I heard a muffled laugh.

 "Hehe." Venti was clearly holding back his laughter and it couldn't be any more obvious.

 "We should go get some breakfast." I avoided his eyes as I stood up.

 I could see his mouth twitch as he tried to hide his laughs.

 "Where are we eating?" he asked trying his best not to laugh.

 "Why don't you choose?" All I ever eat is almond tofu.

 "Let's go to the knight's headquarters then!" His face lit up, though I don't really know why.

 "What would we eat at the knight's headquarters?"

 "You'll see. Come, we need to get there before she leaves the kitchen!" Saying this, he grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards Mondstadt.

 At first, I was a little surprised at how easily he grabbed my hand. Not like he has never held it before, but today, it felt different.

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