Side story 9 - Happy(?) Birthday

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By request of ventussy_venti with contribution from SpecificallyVenti.

3rd person POV

As the morning sun rose outside, even though inside the domain was still as dark as in the deep night, the pair still stirred from their sleep.

 "Good morning, Venti."


 Though awake, the two had no intention of getting up just yet, opting to stay in bed a bit longer instead.

 Almost by instinct, Venti pulled Xiao into his embrace, burying his head in the yaksha's shoulder. 

 After experiencing this every morning, even Xiao had gotten used to the bard's behavior, hugging him back instead of throwing him off like at the beginning of their stay together.

 But, habits die hard, it was still Xiao who sat up first.

 "Just a bit longer." Venti whined, hugging his waist.

 There was a moment of silence before Xiao answered.

 "Fine, just let me go for a bit. I'll be back in a moment."

 With some difficulty, Xiao eventually managed to pry off his octopus-like boyfriend from his waist and stand up.

 "Xiao Xiao..."

 "Just a moment."

 Venti felt Xiao teleport out of his inner world, repeating somewhere in Mondstadt. He was curious as to what the yaksha was doing, but at the moment, he was a little too lazy to look.

 He didn't need to bother anyway, it really didn't take long for Xiao to return with a package in hand.




 The bard slowly opened his eyes, meeting Xiao's.

 "Pretty." He smiled drowsily.

 "Are you really the one who should be saying that?" Xiao chuckled.

 Venti's drowsy look really did tend to get to Xiao. Even now, he couldn't help but lean down and plant a kiss on his lips.

 "I'm hungry~" Venti whined, earning a chuckle from Xiao.

 "Here, I brought you breakfast."

 Hearing the words breakfast and smelling the familiar aroma of pancakes, the bard immediately jumped up, his sleepiness gone in an instant.

 "My Xiao Xiao is the best!"

 Breakfast goes as usual, Xiao refusing to eat at first but ending up eating what Venti feeds him anyway.

 It was after breakfast that Xiao pulled the package forward again.

 "What's this?" Venti asked curiously.

 "Well, you see... I wanted to get you something but I wasn't sure what I should get and after asking around, I ended up with this."

 The bard took the covered basket, looking at Xiao with confusion.

 'Why would you get me something?' Was written all over his face.

 He pulled the cloth from the basket revealing a mixture of beautiful red apples and cecilias, accompanied by a bottle of dandelion wine.

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