Chapter 3 - Xiao

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 "Hello there!"

 After hearing that voice, I felt the wind wrap around me, slowing my fall till I was floating in the air. Along with the wind, came the scent of cecilias. It wasn't strong, just barely noticeable, brought by the wind.

 Next to me, also floating, was the little guy from earlier. He was wearing a bright smile, very fitting for him, I have to say.

 Wait, what the hell am I thinking?

 "Hello!" A high-pitched voice interrupted my thoughts.

 "Hey," I answered back awkwardly.

 What even is this situation.

 "You want to go up or down?" He asked first pointing to the cliff before the sea below.

 "Up." I just muttered.

 "Up we go then!"

 After he said this, I felt myself float upward, before I safely landed on the cliff.

 "Thank you."

 "Don't mention it!" He smiled brightly.

 I have to say, he is a very cheerful person. The complete opposite of me actually. His smile never disappears, whereas mine... Let's not talk about that.

 "...kid. Hey, kid!" his voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

 "Just who are you calling a kid?!"

 "What am I supposed to call you otherwise?"

 "None of your business."

 I have to admit, I was rather upset from being called a kid by someone as young as him, and a mortal at that.

 Wait, upset? Since when did I get upset?

 While I was lost in thought, the other was still talking.

 "Okay then, mister none of your business. My name is Venti, and I'm a bard from Mondstadt!"

 "Thought as much..." I muttered before I knew.

 Hearing my words, the little bard looked at me curiously.

 "What made you think so?"

 "Lyre and Cecilia," I answered without much thought.

 "That makes sense." He agreed.

 Then he turned to me, his blue eyes looking straight into mine.

 "But, why did you jump off the cliff?"

 Here it was. That question. How am I supposed to explain this?

 Oh, nothing much. I had just been listening to you in secret for the past few hours, and when I saw you jump, I jumped right after.

 Yeah, definitely not.

 As I was thinking about an excuse, his eyes sparkled as he continued to look at me curiously.

 "I- "

 "You didn't jump off to try and save me, did you?"

 "That- Yes, I did."

 In the end, he gave me an excuse himself. What I did not expect, however, was what happened next.

 After hearing me say yes, an anxious glint appeared in his eyes. The next moment he was already standing in front of me, turning me left and right.

 "Oh, I'm terribly sorry! I didn't think anybody would be here at this hour. Are you hurt anywhere?"

 "No-no I'm fine, it's nothing," I muttered, shocked by his sudden closeness.

 "What 'it's nothing'?! Do you think falling off that cliff is nothing?! Stop acting tough and let me see if your hurt!" A sounded a little frustrated as he scolded me.

 Scolded me... Has anyone ever scolded me before? Morax, maybe. I don't remember. If it ever happened, it was too long ago for me to remember.

  As I was thinking, I suddenly realized how close we actually were to each other. I janked out my arm from his grasp and stepped back, shocking the little bard with my sudden action.

 "I need to go." I just said.

 "Oh, that's a pity. I would have loved to talk to you more." He looked a little dejected.

 "If fate dictates it, we will meet again." And with that, I turned around and started walking.

 Behind me, I still heard his voice.

 "Till we meet again, Xiao."

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