Chapter 64 - For the ones I love

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 3rd person POV

 After Xiao left, the harbingers also revealed themselves, standing before their archon.

 "Should we chase, your majesty?" One of them asked.

 "Leave him be. If something happens to him, no matter how weak he is, Barbatos will still have my head one way or another. Among the seven if there is someone you should never underestimate, it's him. Even I don't know the true extent and origin of his power, you too should have seen just now, that even in a weakened state, without his gnosis, he still had the power to come all the way to Snezhneya with me just barely noticing the moment he decided to reveal himself."

 "Yes, your majesty." The harbinger bowed his head.

 "Good choice, little snow." A voice suddenly cut through the frozen winds.


 The harbinger all drew their weapons, ready to face whatever foe dared approach their queen. Yet before they could actually act, another voice cut them off.

 "All of you, stop this instant!" The Tsaritsa shouted.

 "Once more, I have to say, good choice." The voice sounded again.

 Along with the voice came a surge of power. The brutal winds of the north that never granted Snezhnaya a moment of rest, dispersed in an instant, revealing the always hidden landscapes of the frozen nation. 

 While the harbingers were left awestruck by the sudden development, none of them dropped their guard, rather they became even more alert if possible. This was good too, as otherwise, they might have missed the person dressed in white approaching through the snow.

 "Don't move." Their archon instructed before they could even lift a finger.

 And like that, the white figure came closer, till they were merely a few meters from the closest harbinger.

 She stopped and took off the hood of her cloak, revealing her long black hair and a pair of emerald green eyes. Under her cloak, she wore a white dress with green highlights, the style somewhere between that of Mondstadt and Inazuma.

 "It looks like this place hasn't changed much, still as cold and unwelcoming as ever." She spoke.

 Just as the harbinger closest to her opened his mouth to retort the insult to his nation, he was met by a pair of cold eyes.

 "If you don't want your tongue cut, don't you dare open your mouth again." The woman spoke, her voice several degrees colder than before.

 "Don't threaten my subordinates." The Tsaritsa finally spoke up.

 "I'm pissed, what are you gonna do about it?" The woman spoke in a mocking tone.

 "You shouldn't take your anger out on mortals, Istaroth."

 "I don't recall permitting you to use that name."

 "My words would still be the same, Kairos."

 At this point, the harbingers had nearly exploded in anger because of the arrogant attitude of the trespasser, but hearing the Tsaritsa correct herself without a question, none of them dared to move, fearing they would bring trouble to their master.

 "I don't intend to break your pets if that's what you're referring to, I just don't fancy being glared at." Istaroth said coldly.

 As her voice dropped, a heavy pressure, spread out, pushing the harbinger to their knees without exception.

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