Side Story 3 - Old Tradition

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A sudden burst of inspiration I couldn't help but share. Well, it's not like you guys would mind an extra short story.

Venti's POV

 Hmm? Where did Xiao go?

 He cut off the marks tracking function.

 How odd...

 The last place I sensed him was Morax's house, so I should check there first.

 I teleported over but...

 Knock. Knock.


 Knock. Knock. Knock.

 Still nothing.

 I let a wisp of wind go in through the keyhole.

 They aren't home.

 Hmm. This is weird.

 After this, I went to a whole bunch of places but...

 Wansheng Funeral parlor.


 Northland Bank.


 Wanming Restaurant.


 Liuli Pavilion.


 Xinyue Kiosk.

 Also nothing.

 Seeing as couldn't find them anywhere within the city, I went and looked outside of it.

 And I found...Nothing.

 The final place I could look was Wnagshu inn.

 "Hello, Venti. Here to give us a performance?" Verr Goldet greeted me when I walked in.

 "I'm here to ask whether you have seen Xiao today."

 "Xiao? Yes, I have. He came by not long ago with Mr. Zhongli and that ginger harbinger."

 So they were together.

 "Do you know where they went?"

 "I'm not sure. The only thing I can tell you is that Xiao was asking about flowers."

 "Flowers?" Xiao?

 "Yes, flowers. I had the same reaction as you. I told him that it might be better to ask someone like Dr. Baizhu, so that might be where he went now that I think about it."

 "So, Bubu pharmacy... Thank you!"

 A good lead, but...

 The news I got from Bubu pharmacy wasn't anything new.

 "I let him borrow my botany book. He was looking for a flower that thrives in harsh and cold environments. I couldn't quite find what he was looking for, so I let him look for himself." Baizhu told me.

 At that description, something seemed to click for a moment, but I couldn't point out what.

 Did Albedo put him up to this?

 No, even if he wanted to, I doubt Xiao would do it.

 There was nothing else I could do, so I went back to Mondstadt hoping to find him there.

 Look at that!

 The Windblume Festival is almost starting and Xiao is nowhere to be found.

 Everything was beautifully decorated and everyone was running around preparing for the festival.

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