Side Story 2 - Agreement

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 Side story for 60k! Next one at 70k reads.

Did no one ever wonder what Xiao told Childe at the end of chapter 41 to make him that happy?

Zhongli's POV

 Somehow, I don't like this.

 Ajax has been jumping around in excitement all morning and he won't tell me why.


 "It's secret. You'll find out later."

 It wouldn't be so worrisome if he wasn't wearing his combat uniform.

 What on Teyvat is he planning?

 "I'm off, xiangsheng! I'll be back in a bit." He said, planting a kiss on my cheek before rushing out the door.

 Where could he be going?

 I pushed aside my pride and decided to follow him in the end. This trip, however, gave me nothing but shock.

 Not once did he attack even a single hilichurl. He actually went around them so they wouldn't notice.

 This is very unlike him.

 His destination was another thing that gave me a shock.

 Old Mondstadt?

 Why would he come here?

 "You're late." I heard a familiar voice.

 "I had a difficult time dodging Zhongli's questions. I suspect you didn't have an easy time getting away either." Ajax retorted, pointing at a corner.

 In that corner stood a lunchbox, or more like, four lunchboxes.

 Xiao doesn't need to eat though.

 "They both know where we are anyway. What's the point of being sneaky?"

 "Zhongli would worry."

 "Well, that's only natural. YOu came to pick a fight you could never win."

 "Oh, no, no. I meant he would be worried about you." Ajax smirked.

 What a childish provocation. Xiao would never-

 "Hah! Worried about me? Do you think he'll still have time to do that when he's tending to your wounds?"

 ...react to that.

 "Who's tending to whose wounds, we'll have to wait and see." Ajax laughed as he condensed his hydro spear.

 I'm starting to understand where this is going, but...

 "He'll get beaten to a pulp." A familiar voice sounded and not long after Barbatos appeared beside me.

 "He will."

 "And you won't interfere?"

 "He has been asking for it for a long time already. He'll never learn unless he goes through it at least once." 

 I couldn't help but sigh.

 "I wonder why Xiao agreed to it in the first place."

 "It was in exchange for Childe not revealing his retirement."

 "Oh, that- Wait. Childe only turned back recently and you've already known about it for a while. When would he have revealed it?"

 To my question, Barbatos looked up at me as if he was looking at an idiot.

 "Stupid." He spat out before turning back to the two.

 Why am I being called stupid all of a sudden?

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