Chapter 21-Jai

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I leave her room happy, yet disturbed. I stride down to Pastor Ben's door and knock, hoping he's still up. He answers the door wearing tracky daks and a t-shirt but no shoes.
"Spencer just called her again. I thought you'd like to hear what happened since he's threatening to come down here and drag her home," I inform him.
"What?" he asks in surprise.
He opens the door for me. I sit down on his much nicer cushioned chair and explain what's been going on. I play my recordings for him and he does seem very concerned. He actually lets me in on the whole situation, how Spencer has shown up at her parents' house repeatedly—threatening them—that they've had to get the local coppers involved. He confides in me that Spencer's mum admitted to Megan's mum that he's always been unfaithful. She said she had hoped he'd straighten out after the wedding, but did say there was an occasional affair here and there with his father.
So he's a root rat... I rub my brow line in irritation. "Sounds like he was trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Gale's right," I say soberly. "She dodged a bullet with this bloke."
Ben nods his head, "Yeah, I can't believe he's put on such a facade for her. Now he's threatening her. I don't know what to do if he shows up here."
"We've got plenty of strong men to get between him and her," I point out.
"Yeah," he nods. "We can protect her. I also said we ought to stay in groups when we arrived. This town is a fairly safe one but it's mostly for her protection—other bigger towns, not so much. I didn't know what to expect. Now, my initial concerns are being realized or at least voiced."
"Would the hotel staff tell him where she is?" I ask.
"I would hope not but I wouldn't put it past him to try to bribe them. They're not affiliated with us so that may work," he admits.
"What if I outbid him, whatever he offers?" I suggest.
He guffaws. "Nobody here has any real money, plus I don't support things like that."
"I do," I admit.
"You could outbid Mr Moneybags?" he says surprised raising an eyebrow.
"I'm in the film business," I admit. "I can afford it."
He looks surprised but shakes his head. "I don't like that. It's an attempt to take things out of God's hands—it's His plan. Also, I don't want to speak ill of anyone... but wouldn't put it past the unchurched to use both sides in this equation."
I nod in understanding. He's right. They could take the money from both of us and he'd still follow us around if he shows up.
"The staff here knows we're leaving but we've paid up for the entire stay. If we finish early, we'll be back sooner, later... and it really doesn't matter. They don't know exactly where we're going, though. Only the church does. I'll inform the pastoral staff here and at home not to give out our location and tell them if someone shows up with a convincing story, to give them my number for emergencies. I think that'll cover everything," he suggests.
"That's a better plan," I agree.
He shakes my hand thanking me and I head out the door to my room to pack. As I'm getting my bag ready, I'm tempted to offer the staff a bribe anyway but change my mind. I think Pastor Ben is right—that could be used against us. You just can't trust everyone. I'll leave the situation to fate... like how I met Megan. Ben was calling it God's plan...  I honestly don't know anything about that.  I've never experienced this God stuff before.  They definitely seem like admirable people though—like my mum said, definitely more so than the other side.  There is absolutely something different about them that I just can't quite put my finger on.  I do like the atmosphere and attitude.  It's a nice change of pace with the crowds I frequent. 
I finish packing and set my bag near the door.  I decide to call my mum again.  I send her the picture of Megan and me first then dial her up. 


"Yeah, mum."

"She's absolutely beautiful, love."

"She is.  You should hear her sing.  I lent her my guitar.  I'm going to have to find out the church page since I heard they were streaming it live earlier so you can hear her for yourself."

"You beauty!  That sounds wonderful, love.  Let me know, okay?"

"No worries.  So... there's a bit of a situation.  I sort of need your advice."

"What's the John Dory?"

"She's got her ex-fiancé kind of harassing her.  He keeps calling her.  He's threatened to come and get her and take her back.  What advice do you have for me?"

"That's tough, love.  It's unwanted, right?"

"Well... she's definitely not interested in going back to him but I can tell she still has feelings for him."

"How so?"

"Just the reaction she makes when he speaks to her calmly.  She looks like she still loves him but she's not letting herself get involved again since he refuses to change."

"I can understand that.  Well... that's hard to be in that position.  I think you should be her friend and protector.  If he shows up... you should stay out of it.  Keep her safe but let her make her own choices.  I know you tend to be a hothead at times and jump into the middle of a situation, but ask her what she wants.  I wouldn't let her be alone with someone like that though.  He's chasing her and not the other way around."

"That helps."

"If he's looking to harm her... step in.  Don't let that happen.  She may not be the type to speak up but no woman wants to be forced into something or hurt.  I don't know the situation but you need to take care of her, love."

"I will.  Thanks, mum.  I love you."

"I love you, too."

"I'll talk to you soon."

"Goodbye, love."

I respond the same and hang up.  I sigh shakily.  That does help.  Can I do that, though?  That's the question that only time will tell.

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