Chapter 68-Meg

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Simon & Garfunkel—'Mrs Robinson'


Jai drives me home from the theatre at the conclusion.  He seemed to really enjoy it and I'm glad he got to see it.  We chat a bit and I look at the weather forecast for tomorrow.  "Do you want to go trail running tomorrow for our jog?" I suggest. 
"Sure," he agrees. 
"You can borrow my dad's shoes.  I saw a brand new pair in the box in his closet. I know he doesn't use them," I tell him. 
"You use special runners for that?" he questions. 
"I do," I tell him.  He accepts the offer and I invite him for breakfast.
"I don't want you to go to any trouble," he insists. 
"It's no trouble," I say to him.  "I usually make my own breakfast every day anyway. I'll just make a little more."
Jai smiles at me as he pulls into my driveway.  I notice that my parents left the porch light on.  Before I realize it, he opens my door for me and helps me out. He puts his hand at my waist as he walks me to the door.  We stop there for a moment.  I'm tempted to invite him in but it is getting late.  I'm about to say something but he surrounds me in a massive hug.  I laugh in surprise.  I feel a couple kisses to the top of my head. 
"That was fun," he says softly.
"Yeah," I agree. 
"I'll see you in the morning," he tells me kissing my temple.  He slowly releases me and I realize he's holding my hand.  He gently lets me go as he walks away.  My heart is hammering in my chest and I sigh shakily before I step into the house. 
My mom is in the kitchen so I stop by to see her.  She's wearing her robe and sipping a cup of tea. 
"Welcome, home," she grins. 
"Thanks," I smile. 
"Would you like a cup?" she offers.  She usually drinks chamomile tea at night. 
"Sure," I reply.  I grab a cup from the cupboard and pour some hot water from the kettle into my mug.  I select the same tea as hers from the box and sit beside her agitating the bag in the water. 
"Did he kiss you?" she asks me. 
"No," I laugh uncomfortably.  "We're just good friends.  He kissed the top of my head, though.  Does that count?"
"Are you sure he's not interested in you?" my mom asks confused.
"I don't think so.  We're just close friends," I defend.  "He's had a breakup, too.  We're just helping each other through a rough time."
"I don't think that's it," she disagrees shaking her head. 
"Even if he were interested, it would never work," I say softly. 
"Why not?" she asks. 
"We're just too different," I shrug.  "We're from two different worlds, two different lifestyles."
"Does that really matter?" she asks. 
"Yes, it does," I reply firmly. 
"Why?" she asks bewildered. 
"He's an unbeliever, Mom," I admit. 
She pauses for a moment. 
"So was I, though," she says softly.  "Until your father pursued me, I didn't care much about my religion.  It was ritual, rules, and heredity, not a relationship."
I frown and nod. 
"He came to church with us," she points out gently. 
"So did Spencer," I counter. 
She sighs heavily.  "Yeah, he did," she admits realizing where I'm coming from.
"What if it's all an act again?" I ask worriedly.
"Well," she sighs once more, pausing.  "You'll just have to use discernment with your choices.  I think you're planting some good seed in him."
I frown and nod. 
"Goodnight, Nutmeg," she says kissing my forehead.  She puts her cup in the sink and I watch her walk to her bedroom. 
I sit in the kitchen in silence for a while asking God for guidance and discernment.  I plead for him to change Jai... but not for my sake, for his own. 


I wake early and get ready for the day.  I braid my hair and head downstairs.  I notice Mikey in the kitchen eating a bowl of chocolate cereal.  I open the fridge to find one more chocolate chip muffin in there. 
"Do you want it?" I offer.  He stops mid bite looking at his phone to pay attention to me. 
"If you don't," he says putting the bite in his mouth. 
"Warm or cold?" I ask. 
"Warm," he requests.  I put it on a plate and heat it for a few seconds. 
"Mikey..." I say.  He hums a reply as I set the muffin in front of him.  "What if I made like a banana walnut muffin with chocolate chips?  Would you eat that?"
He purses his lips.  "I don't mind bananas and chocolate," he tells me kind of half-nodding.  "I'll try it."
I smile.  "Alright.  I'll make some," I tell him happily. 
I get started and make the recipe I found online but I reduce the walnuts in half and add half that of chocolate chips.  I decide to make a healthier option and search for a good recipe.  I find a raspberry yogurt muffin recipe that sounds interesting.  I check to see if we have all of the ingredients and I make it quickly.  I put them into muffin tins before sticking them into the oven with the others since the baking time and temperature are the same.  I close the oven door and turn around to see Jai stepping in the kitchen. 
"Good morning," I smile. 
"G'day," he replies.  "I just ran into Mikey leaving for school.  He told me just to come in."
"Oh, that's fine," I say wiping my hands off on my apron. 
"What are you making?" he asks. 
"Muffins again.  I was trying to make something to get Mikey to eat something somewhat healthy," I say motioning to the oven. 
"What, no chokky?" he teases coming over and hugging me. 
I hug him back.  "No, there's chocolate in one of them," I reply. 
He chuckles.  "Making more than one again?" he questions pushing a stray hair aside. 
"Yeah.  My family devours them," I grin looking up at him. 
"What kinds?" he inquires intrigued.  I'm so glad he appreciates my cooking.  I think about how someone else didn't and shake the thought away. 
"Raspberry yogurt and banana walnut with chocolate chips," I respond to his question. 
"Those sound good," he says. 
"What else do you want?" I ask.  "Some eggs?"
"What are you having?" he asks me. 
"I don't know," I say peering into the fridge.  "We have some spinach and gruyere cheese.  I make scrambled eggs with those sometimes."
"That sounds good," he smiles looking over my shoulder.  "What else do you have?"
I grin and open a container.  "You can tell I haven't been home," I laugh.  "There are some leftover mashed potatoes.  I can fry those up."
"I am intrigued," he grins. 
I chuckle and grasp the ingredients.  "Do you want some help?" he offers. 
"Sure," I say grabbing my dad's apron he uses on the rare occasions when he helps my mom in the kitchen.  I toss it over his head and tie it in the back. 
We work together whisking the eggs and putting the two dishes into separate frying pans.  The oven goes off and I take the muffins out.  I set them to cool and plate up the potatoes.  He finishes with the eggs. 
"We have coffee, milk, orange juice?" I offer.  "I'm having milk," I tell him when he doesn't answer.  Oddly, he usually wants whatever I'm having.  He gets out two glasses and pours them for the both of us.  We sit down and enjoy the eggs and potatoes.  I carefully pop the muffins out of the tins and put the dishes in the sink. 
As I step back, he's already eating one of the raspberry ones. 
"These are good," he tells me. 
I smile but question, "How are you not burning your mouth?"
"I don't know," he shrugs.  "I never do."
"I always do," I say picking up a muffin and setting it on my plate. 
"Yet you don't burn your hands," he points out. 
"I guess I've gotten used to it.  I've helped out in the kitchen since I was little," I say. 
"These were good," he says motioning to both of the varieties. 
"Thanks.  I just found the recipes online and they sounded interesting," I tell him. 
"You have good taste," he tells me. 
I smile and carefully peel back the my wrapper taking a bite.  "They are good," I smile. 
I finish and we clean up.  I grab my dad's extra pair of trail running shoes and he tries them on. 
"They're kind of like cleats," he says. 
"A little bit like them," I agree nodding.  I take my regular tennis shoes with my bag and so does Jai.  I grab us a couple water bottles before we head out.  I lock up since everyone is gone for the day. 
Jai drives us to the same park we skied at and he comments that it doesn't even look like the same place.  "It doesn't," I agree. 
We climb out of his SUV and get onto the path.  We start out with a walk and then a light jog.  We speed up downhill and I love that we're surrounded by oak trees, dried leaves, and a path made of roots and dirt.  I actually prefer climbing the unstable ground of this path over any other.  At parts, the plant roots make a sort of staircase through the woods.  The animals are awake and running around chasing each other.  Squirrels and chipmunks play throughout the leaves on the ground and into the trees.  I can hear them chewing on acorns.  There are a few geese in the pond passing by but no ducks yet.  They know it's not time to return but the Canadian geese don't seem to mind the switching weather.  I continue to enjoy the fresh air, the beautiful scenery, and the company.  I look over my shoulder to see Jai enjoying the run.  I'm trying not to go too fast for him.  But we still take a break mid-way though the trail at the same park bench as last time. 
"This place looks so different," he tells me. 
"Yeah," I concur.  "In the spring, we'll see several kinds of turtles here.  There are two kinds at the park that are endangered.  I saw some people from the zoo collecting some last year—I'm assuming to place them there for protection."
A squirrel crosses our path and we watch him digging and running around.  Another approaches and they chase each other. 
"You don't have many dangerous animals here, do you?" Jai asks. 
"Just mildly cranky geese and the brown recluse spider in the warmer months.  There are ticks here that carry lime disease.  I actually don't come to this park in the warmer months because it's such a problem.  There are black widow spiders in southern Ohio but not here.  I can't think of anything else.  All the other wild animals are fairly skittish.  Most of the land is developed, too.  Farms, homes, or industrial," I explain. 
He nods and looks out over the pond. 
"When you told me where you lived... I honestly wasn't expecting much but this place isn't so bad," he says. 
I grin in response. 
We finish up the jog and drive out of the park. On the first street we turn on, I see the sheriff drive by on the other side of the road.
"It's the coppers. Act cool," he tells me. I chuckle in response.
We continue on, driving back towards my gym.  I notice some birds that I rarely see in the area walking around in a field and I point them out to Jai. 
"Are those turkeys?" he asks surprised. 
"They are," I nod. 
"Is that a farm or something?" he inquires. 
"No, those are wild," I say. "I know there are some that pass through the area but that's probably only the third time I've ever seen them around here.  Oddly they're a nuisance at my dad's work.  They're constantly around the building and in their parking lot."
He laughs and glances at me in disbelief.  We arrive at the gym and William is working the desk today, so check in is not a problem by the older, more professional man.  Jai actually says he wants to sign up for a membership and he fills out the forms quickly and gets his ID printed. 
"You didn't have to do that," I tell him.  "I have a stack of guest passes."
"I looked it up last night.  There's one near my home in LA with similar amenities," he says. 
"Oh," I reply in surprise grinning.  I dig out an extra padlock I found at home with the code on the back.  "Here," I say handing it to him.  "You'll need this."
"Thanks," he grins. 
"I'm just going to lock my stuff up and come back out," I tell him. 
"Alright.  See you in a few," he nods stepping into the men's locker room. 
I stride into the women's room and find an empty locker.  I set my things inside and lock it up.  I step out to the hallway to wait for Jai.  I look at my watch when he's in there for a while.  He exits a few minutes later with a smile on his face. 
"Sorry.  I just checked everything out," he says. 
"What'd you think?" I ask. 
"It's pretty nice.  The showers are decent, the sauna is a good size, and the pool is huge," he says as we climb the staircase. 
"You went to the pool?" I question. 
"I couldn't help myself," he grins. 
"You want to swim laps tomorrow instead of a jog?" I ask. 
"Yes," he nods. 
"Alright," I laugh.  "But I'm sure you'll be lapping me.  I'm not the best swimmer."
"Is it a race?" he questions smiling. 
"No, because I'd lose to you," I reply grinning. 
He chuckles in response.  We work on our legs and core.  He compliments me several times about the workout.  I thank him bashfully.  I'm not used to getting so much praise.  We finish up and separate at the locker rooms.  He tells me he's going to use the sauna and I say I'll do the same then. 
I get my things out of my locker and shower quickly.  I come out in a towel and flip flops to see two other women in the sauna.  I know Jai is going to be a while so I step in even though I'm uncomfortable.  I take a seat away from them as they chat.  I try not to listen in on their conversation but they're actually talking about Jai.  One is saying she saw him and the other is saying she must've been seeing things that aren't there.
"He's really here," I tell them. 
"How would you know?" the doubtful woman asks me looking down her nose at me. 
"Because he drove me here," I tell her politely even though she's being rude. 
She scoffs at me and rolls her eyes.  I try to look away and not pay anymore attention to them.  They start to talk about what they'd do to him if he was really here and I get up and leave.  I take another quick shower now that I'm sweating.  I finish and go to the locker area to get dressed in a quieter spot.  I begin to towel dry my hair when those two girls come out walking around in their see-through sexy unmentionables.  I dry my hair quickly but they're gossiping and applying tons of makeup to their faces.  It takes forever for the tiny hairdryer to actually finish with my hair.  They're using the good one.  I brush it and braid it before I return to my locker to get my things. 
I step out and Jai isn't here.  I set my bag on the nearby bench and sit there to wait for him.  He comes out a couple minutes later and smiles when he sees me.  He grasps my hand and helps me up.  I throw my bag over my shoulder and we start to walk towards the entrance.  Jai puts his arm around my waist.  As we walk down the hallway, the ladies room door comes flying open.  Jai steps back a bit and pulls me with him to avoid getting hit by the door.
"You alright?" he asks me. 
"Good reflexes," I say surprised. 
We turn back to see the two women with the dirty mouths staring at us. 
"G'day, ladies," Jai says walking us around them to the entrance.  He still has his arm around me.  I look back over my shoulder to see that they remain standing there staring and whispering.  I sigh and walk forward. 
"Something wrong?" he asks as we step outside. 
"Those girls had dirty mouths in the bathroom," I tell him. 
He laughs and asks me what they said. 
"It was something about you and it was crude," I say not wanting to go any further into details. 
"I'm not surprised by how they were looking at me... or you for that matter," he says.  "I'm actually glad they didn't come to their senses quickly.  Just their expressions are the type of fans that make my skin crawl.  I bolted as fast as I could away from them grateful not to have to put on an extended facade."
I look at him in surprise.  He really doesn't like those types, does he? 
Jai opens my door for me and I climb in.  He gets in as well and turns to me, "So... where to for lunch?"

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