Chapter 24-Meg

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Jai and I climb back into his vehicle and he drives the distance back to the hotel. I see a white Cadillac SUV parked across every parking space out in front of the hotel and I tell Jai to keep driving. A wave of dread comes over me.
"I only know one guy who parks like that," Gale says.
"Yeah. Me, too," I say soberly.
"He's here?" Jai questions.
"Unless you know another person who would do such a thing," Gale says. "I so wanted to say douchebag but I held my tongue."
"You just said it," Izaak points out.
"But I didn't call him that," she counters.
"What do you want me to do?" Jai asks.
"Could you park behind the hotel please?" I request.
"Of course," he nods.
He turns behind the hotel and parks. I ask everyone but Jai to stay in the car. He holds my hand and keeps me close as we stride along the side of the hotel. We peek around the front of the building, on the side with my room. I can see the large luxury vehicle he rented. "He must've had his company's private plane fly out last night," I admit softly.
I see Jai has his phone out already recording. I'm in a daze, and I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe he was serious. I hear the lobby door slam open into the wall and I step back. Jai stays past the corner with me but he's still recording, just peeking around enough to view him. He holds onto my hand, rubbing soothing circles onto the back.
"I can't believe it," Spencer grumbles—to himself I think. "I missed her by minutes! Useless peasants."
I can see the screen on Jai's phone. Spencer is climbing into the SUV with the windows down. He starts up the engine and I hear a ringing like an incoming call.
"What do you want?" Spencer asks harshly.
"Did you find her?" Mr Blaze inquires. It sounds like he's on speakerphone.
"No," Spencer answers irritably.
"Am I on speakerphone?" he questions cruelly.
"This stupid rental. I needed the GPS for the maps from my phone. I can't get it turned off," Spencer complains.
"What's the plan?" he asks.
"Well, I'm not searching whatever dump she's disappeared off to next.  She would be like a needle in a haystack. She could be anywhere by now," he grumbles.
"That doesn't please me. You were supposed to marry that one. She at least was decent compared to the others," he says irritably.
"What do you want me to do?" Spencer yells. "I can deal with her when she gets back. I'm not searching this entire island for her. I don't even know where to start and nobody will tell me where she is."
"You better deal with her. If you haven't married her by the time I retire, I'm leaving the company to your brother," Mr Blaze threatens.
"Riley isn't even out of college yet," he defends angrily.
"Then, I guess he won't need to finish," he counters.
Spencer sighs irritably. "I'll get her back," he insists.
"I don't know why you're so hung up on that one," his father says. "Any decent girl would be fine. I like her. I do. But she looked better before she got sick. I like mine with more curves. That one last year was definitely my type. If she puts that back on I'd be all over that."
My skin crawls just hearing him talk about me like that and I cringe.
"Stop talking about my wife. You have enough of your own," Spencer defends.
"I can talk however I want, boy. Get your act together or you will be going without. I'm not giving you the businesses if you keep it up with the trash you've been messing around with," his father tells him angrily.
"I'll have her back soon," he insists.
He ends the call and sighs.
"When I find Megan I'm going to wring her neck!" Spencer yells angrily. I hear a thud but I'm not sure what caused that sound.  My heart races at his threat and I feel dizzy. I lean up against the wall to attempt to steady myself.
I can hear another incoming call. He answers it.
"What?" Spencer asks in a bored tone.
"I miss you, baby. Where are you?" I hear Jessica's voice say seductively.
"I'm out of town. I'll be back by tonight," he replies.
"Don't take too long," she says.
"Stay there. I'll be be back soon," he insists before hanging up. He mumbles something incoherent and peels out of the parking lot in our direction. His driving has always been kind of scary but now he's angry and it's even more so.
Jai comes closer to me and boxes me in to cover me up from Spencer's view. I lean my head against him. I'm wheezing. I need my inhaler. It sounds like Spencer is looping back around to go on the street that leads to the airport. When I can no longer hear his vehicle Jai backs up and gives me some space.
"Are you alright?" he asks concerned.
I nod and start walking to my room. We enter the door to the hotel and the attendant looks surprised.
"We'll be right back. She just forgot something," Jai explains.
He leads me to my room and I shakily try to unlock the door but my hands aren't steady enough. Jai takes the key and opens the door for me. I step in and get my purse out of the closet. I take it to my bed and open it. I grab my rescue inhaler and shake it up before taking a puff from it holding my breath.  Jai starts talking to me but I put up a finger counting in my head. I release the breath but keep my finger up. After a minute I repeat. I feel my breathing slowly starting to return to normal and I put my hand down. I put the cap back on, or I at least attempt to but my hands are still shaking. Jai takes it from me and puts the cap back on for me.  My breathing has relaxed but I'm still trembling.  Jai sits down on the bed beside me.  He holds me until I stop shivering from anxiety.

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