Bonus: Book 2, Chapter 1-Jai

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Author's Note:
Here's the first chapter of my next book—Who Am I. I'll start posting next Friday. Also, if you didn't read yesterday's post, go back one chapter;) 
Enjoy and Happy Easter!


I can't keep my eyes off of Meg. I was exhausted before from the flights in but now I'm wide awake. I don't know what my next move is but I'm hoping it's to be with her for as long as I can.
"So what's the plan here?" I ask as I continue to embrace her.
"I don't know," she says holding me tighter. I feel like we've been standing here for an hour and she won't let me go.
"I'm not going anywhere, love," I tell her soothingly. 
"Do you promise?" she asks looking up into my eyes.
"Always," I whisper.
I peck her lips again and she smiles at me.
"You almost done here?" I ask.
"I don't know," she admits. "I didn't expect it to take this long."
"What's left?" I question.
She slowly releases me and walks to the fridge. She opens it and I hear water splash the ground. She sticks her hand in a crockery.
"I could change these out and be done for the day. I'll have to come back tomorrow to clean the rest of the mess up. I'll have to fit it in between work... and well, work," she laughs.
"Did you get a job?" I grin.
"Two?" she shrugs questioningly.
"You have been busy," I point out.
"Not really," she says wiping up the mess. "I'm part-time at the YMCA and I volunteer as a lab assistant at school," she explains.
I try to pick up the rubbish bin but it's ridiculously heavy, more so than I initially expected. "What the heck is in here?" I question.  I'm afraid I'll break it from the pull of the weight warping the bin. 
"Paper towels and water," she shrugs.
"That's a lot of paper and water," I point out carefully dragging it closer. She tosses the towels in.
"I figured two rolls of paper towel was better to waste than wringing out towels," she shrugs. "Plus it was a little moldy in there so I thought it'd be better to use something disposable."
"Good call," I agree.
She replaces the hot water, closes the fridge and washes her hands.
"I don't know if I can lift that full thing into the car," she says motioning to the esky.
I give her a look.
"Right. Could you please lift that?" she asks grinning.
"Love, did you even need to ask?" I tease.
Her smile widens at me.
"You could probably just leave it outside. Isn't it freezing?" I question.
"Yeah, but it's supposed to be close to 70 degrees tomorrow," she says.
"And it's below freezing right now and a snowstorm," I say in disbelief closing my eyes. This weather is strange.
"That's Ohio in the spring," she shrugs.
"It's not officially spring yet, right?" I say.
"Not until after my birthday," she tells me.
"My birthday's coming up, too," I grin. "I've already got the best present of my life."
She smiles and steps forward pecking my lips. I hold her in place.
"I love you, too," she whispers. I kiss her again.
"Best present ever," I say with my eyes closed.
"I didn't get you anything yet," she tells me and I open my eyes to see her frowning.
"I didn't get you anything either," I admit because I completely forgot.
"We could go to Chicago early," she suggests. "Although I don't have much money."
"Early?" I ask confused.
She smiles. "That's right. You don't know," she says almost to herself.
"The suspense is killing me," I exaggerate but I'm seriously curious.
"You remember that art gallery you thought I should apply to?" she questions.
I think for a moment and recall her getting an advertisement from one of her professors. I nod.
"I applied for the exhibition and they accepted my submission," she tells me.
"Are you serious?" I ask excitedly.
She nods, "I sent them some more slides of my newer work and they're giving me the entire gallery space."
"That's amazing," I say in awe. "You're getting your own show?"
She smiles and nods. "It's next week. Plus, it's the week of St. Patrick's Day. I've always wanted to go there for that.  They have a parade and they dye the river green," she explains.
"That's kind of strange," I mention.
She nods.
"So... do you want to go to Chicago with me?" she asks. "I was leaving Sunday after church but we could go sooner. I only have to stay here until Friday afternoon, although I don't have much extra cash."
"Don't worry about that, love," I say kissing her. "I'd love to spend some time with you in Chicago."
"Are you sure? It'll be cold," she points out motioning to the window. I see the snow blowing around and starting to accumulate.
"I think I can handle it," I tell her confidently. And with her, I can.
I assist her in loading the esky into my backseat since my baggage is in the boot. Then, she helps me clear the snow off of my windscreen and windows. I insist on her riding with me back to her home since I'm not ready to part from her just yet. She tells me she has to work in the morning, though, so I promise to take her wherever she needs to go.
"Don't you have anything else you'd rather do?" she asks grinning.
"Than spending my time with you? No, there's nothing I'd rather do," I tell her. She leans over and kisses me again and I can't get over how amazing it feels to have the girl I love wanting me in return. There's no greater feeling... except for the love of God, but that's a given.

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