Chapter 57-Jai

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Megan takes me back to her house.  I fold my duds from the dryer and pack my bags.  We put everything in her mum's 4WD and she takes me to the rental agency.  I do see the airport from here.  It's small but I notice some decent sized aeroplanes touch down.  I decide to have her drop me off since I kind of want to explore a little.  She seems to be grasping at straws to try to find something for me to do.  They usually have tourism info at these kinds of places.  I tried looking it up online but there wasn't much.  Most everything I saw was out of area or across the state.  At that point, I might as well take her to Chicago since it's the same distance by car. 
"I'm not just going to abandon you here," she says frowning. 
That's so sweet. 
"Are you afraid I'll get lost?" I tease. 
"What if they've rented all of their cars?" she asks.  "My dad went on a trip once and had to get a taxi to another location."
"Alright.  You can stay until I make sure they have something for me," I agree grinning. 
She nods giving in.  She parks in the car park and walks me in taking my guitar case.  She tries to grab another bag but I snatch it before she can grasp it.  "I've got these, love," I tell her. 
She frowns at me so I kiss her head.  I back away to see her smiling and hiding a blush.  I grin walking into the rental agency.  There are some already in the process of being assisted so I wait in queue.  I notice a wall of travel brochures around the entrance area but I'll look them over later.  I did see several vehicles in the lot so I'm not as concerned as Megan is but there have been occasions where what she suggested has happened.  I'm used to that kind of thing, though, and she's a sweetheart to insist on staying to make sure everything goes smoothly. 
I hear a phone ring and Megan answers hers. 
"Hi, mom," she says pausing for a moment.  "No, we're out.  Jai wanted to rent a car," she explains. 
"Because he doesn't fit in mine."  Another pause.  "Every time I drove Daddy anywhere, we took his or yours.  He can even fit in Mikey's truck but not mine.  You know Brian Shaw?... The world's strongest man... He just doesn't fit.... He suggested it.... No, you need your car... Okay, let me ask him."
"Jai?" she says facing me.  "My mom wants to let you use her car."
I laugh in surprise.  "It's fine, really," I tell her.  "I don't want to put her out.  Tell her I do this all the time.  I insist."
She nods.  "He says he's fine... You know how you and Bubbie used to argue about who pays for the meal?... Because it's the same thing.  It's rude.  Just let him do what he wants to do... Alright... What are we having?"
She turns to me again, "Do you want to have dinner with my parents?"
"Sure," I shrug. 
"He says yes," she tells her pausing.  "No seafood... Because he lives by the ocean and it's nothing special for him... That'd probably be fine... That's a weird combination but I'm not complaining... Okay, I love you, too.  See you later."
I look to her. 
"So... we're having steaks," she tells me. 
"Okay," I reply.  I like steak.  "What's the weird combination?"
"She was going to make fish with latkas.  Now we're having steak with latkas," she shrugs. 
"Alright.  That'll be a first for me," I nod. 
She smiles at me. 
"So... is fish like a special occasion kind of thing?" I ask. 
"It's expensive here," she shrugs.  "And yeah.  Whenever we'd have good grades or a special occasion, that's what we'd have."
I nod in understanding and I feel touched that her parents were making something special for me.  A bloke calls me forward.  He looks like he recognizes me but then dismisses it.  Megan actually speaks up first and finds out that they do have a vehicle that can handle my build. 
"Do you want me to leave you to it?" she asks gently. 
"Sure," I nod. 
"You won't get lost, will you?" she asks. 
"No worries," I tell her. 
"Okay," she nods. 
She sets down the guitar case and steps aside.  I face the salesman and start getting everything going.  We begin filling out the forms and I hand him my documents. 
"Here," Megan says beside me. 
I look to her to see she has a paper map.  I take it from her. 
"I wrote my address in there.  Sometimes the signal goes out in the more remote areas of town... just in case," she shrugs. 
"Thank you, love," I say reaching out and hugging her. 
"You're welcome.  What's the plan?  Checking in?" she questions. 
"Yeah," I nod. 
"Let me know if you need anything," she says. 
"No worries.  See you soon, love," I tell her letting go. 
"Okay.  You can come over any time... if you want," she tells me. 
"Will do," I grin. 
"Drive carefully.  Bye," she waves. 
"Bye, love," I reply watching her walk out.  I observe as she drives off.  I hear someone clear their throat. 
"Sorry," I say turning to the bloke before me.  He asks me a few questions and explains pretty much the same spiel that I'm accustomed to. 
"Okay, I just need your signature here," he says placing a document in front of me.  I sign it.  "And if it's not too much trouble... can I have your signature here?" he requests placing an autograph book in front of me. 
I chuckle in response and open it up.  I actually flip through and there's tons of signatures in here—some people I know, some I idolize, and some I've never ever heard of.  There are photos with several of them.  "Did you get all of these working here?" I ask since he's a middle aged man. 
"Here and at the airport," he motions next door. 
"When there are political rallies nearby or someone comes to town, I try to get some," he explains. 
"Who's this?" I ask seeing a group of three guys I've never heard of. 
"A local band," he explains. 
"Oh, I haven't heard of them," I say. 
"They're a Christian band," he clarifies. 
"I wonder if Megan's heard of them then," I say. 
"The girl just now?" he asks.  I nod.  "Is she a local?"  I nod again.  "She's probably heard of them, especially if she's into that genre."
I smile and think I'll ask her about them.  "Who's this one?" I inquire.  I've seen several of him from different ages. 
"A local legend," he smiles and tells me all about the city's first tv star.  He explains there's a yearly tournament he participates in. 
I talk to him a bit and sign his book.  I take a picture with him and he walks me out to my rental carrying my bag.  It's a newer 4WD.  I set my things in the boot and I explain that I'll be around in town for a while.  He takes me back in and shows me some of the local destinations.  He gives me some pamphlets for each that I'm interested in.  I find a historical museum but he explains it's closed this time of year.  He says the restaurant there is open though and there are a few things they offer out of season for members.  I take the pamphlet for it anyway.  Maybe I'll take her when they open in the spring.  It's something that I'm interested in.  I peruse the wall and grab a couple more that catch my eye.  I actually see a treehouse on the outside of one and get that, too.  I laugh lightly that she was serious.  This park looks completely different without snow.  I open it to see people skiing and I grin. 
"That's fun," he says.  "But you'd have to go soon.  We're expecting it to warm up for a few days."
"Already went this morning with her, but thanks," I grin. 
"Ah, so you've already got a local expert.  She might not recommend this one but this is a sight to see," he says handing me a pamphlet with a lighthouse on it.  "You might be interested in going to the islands nearby when the weather changes.  There's some interesting caves there, too."
I take those as well. 
"Thanks, mate.  I think I'm set," I tell him.  I shake his hand and he wishes me a pleasant trip. 
I walk out and realize how friendly some of the people are around here. This place is pretty decent.

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