Chapter 75-Meg

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Jai and I separate at the locker rooms of my gym. He picked me up this morning and we had a nice breakfast together at home. I enter the door, peering in the locker area and then the shower and sauna section. I even make sure the bathrooms are empty. I'm a little nervous about those women following us the other day. I'm actually grateful that the locker room is empty. Jai insisted that I call him if there's a problem in here—before or after. He says he keeps his phone on him and it's mostly waterproof. I recall he did wear it swimming in the ocean. He had it around his neck tucked into a plastic-like sealable pocket to a lanyard.
I dress quickly in a private corner of the locker room and walk through to the far section, through the shower area to the back door that leads to the pool. I don't see Jai out here yet. I do see a familiar face working as the lifeguard. I wave to her.
"Hey there," Lucy smiles climbing down from the raised platform. She hugs me. "How's it going?"
"Pretty good, considering," I shrug.
"I talked to Rachel," she tells me apologetically. "I also saw the paper."
"Yeah," I reply quietly.
"I'm really sorry you're going through all of that," she says.
"Me, too. But at least I found out what he was really like before it was too late," I shrug.
"Yeah," she nods. "So what are you doing about a job?"
"I was offered a position at church.  I guess I'll see if that works out," I tell her. 
"Well, if you ever are looking for a position, don't hesitate to try back here.  You're the only instructor that stayed here consistently.  Everyone else just comes and goes," she mentions. 
"I'll keep that in mind," I smile.  "I always loved working here."
She smiles in response and looks as if she wants to ask me something but I hear Jai's voice call out to me. I look over my shoulder to see him coming. "Rachel wasn't kidding," she breathes.
"You're not going to freeze up like Rachel are you?" I ask wincing.
"No, but I can't promise I won't do something stupid," she admits.
"Just make sure nobody drowns on your watch," I tease.
"That, I can do," she nods.
"Hi, are you Megan's friend?" Jai asks reaching out to shake her hand.
"Yeah, I'm Lucy," she grins. She's giggling a lot.
"It's nice to meet you," Jai replies.
"So how do you two know each other?" she asks trying not to stare at Jai.
I explain about the mission trip and how we just met there.
"Lucky you," she mumbles.
Jai chuckles at that.
"Come on," he signals me to join him. "It was nice meeting you," he says to Lucy. She says the same and waves in response.
I notice that there are four lanes open for laps. The rest is free swim until the classes start. One lane is currently occupied. We select our lanes and set our towels down, sitting on the edge of the pool with our legs dangling into the water.
"Seriously, you have a nice gym," Jai comments looking at the place.  There are flags hanging up everywhere signifying the different swim groups and classes. 
"It's very family oriented," I say. 
"So, you like kids?" he questions. 
"Of course," I smile.  "Who doesn't?"
"You'd be surprised at that answer," he tells me grinning but he looks like he's holding something back. 
"How about you?" I ask. 
"Sure," he nods.  "One of my mates had two kids."
"Do they call you Uncle Jai?" I ask grinning. 
"They did.  I don't see them that much anymore," he admits. 
"Why not?" I ask gently. 
"Because he died," he admits. 
I scoot down beside him.  I put an arm around him and he accepts the comfort.  "I'm so sorry," I whisper to him frowning. 
"I used to visit them, afterwards you know.  After a while, it was almost like a sad reminder that their dad was gone, so I stopped coming around as much.  I loved them like they were my own niece and nephew," he tells me softly. 
"I'm sorry," I say soothingly. 
He nods and sighs, holds onto me for a little longer before he finally releases me.  He jumps into the water.  I get up and walk back to my lane.  I dive in since this is the deep end.  I surface to Jai treading water. 
"Wanna race?" he asks me gesturing to the other side. 
"I'm sure you'll win," I laugh. 
"You never know," he shrugs. 
"Alright," I agree.  "There and back?"
He nods his assent.  We begin at the same time and I start quickly with a freestyle stroke since we're racing.  I go as fast as I can and turn around underwater and head back.  I stroke and stroke and stroke.  I touch the edge and look to my side.  I laugh in surprise when Jai isn't there. 
"I thought it was a race?" I tease. 
"Apparently you're faster than me," he grins not minding that I won. 
"I bet I burn out faster than you, too," I tell him. 
"You're good with the short distance," he agrees. 
"Alright.  No more racing or I'm not going to be able to do this," I tell him.  He nods in reply still smiling. 
Over the next few laps I do a backstroke since I don't want to wear myself down.  I find it very relaxing and I do see Jai lapping me but I don't mind.  After a few more laps, I change to a butterfly stroke, then eventually a breaststroke.  We swim and swim.  I switch up my repertoire and do just about every swimming style I know.  I'm surprising myself with how much energy I actually have and I smile that I'm finally getting the strength back that I had before I got sick.  I do eventually give up my lane when I see a few people waiting and I'm exhausted.  Jai surfaces and notices me sitting at the end of his lane. 
"Did I wear you out?" he teases. 
"Yeah, I'm a little tired.  I gave up my lane," I motion to the older gentleman that surfaces and turns around beside us. 
"Do you want to get out?" he asks motioning to the locker rooms. 
"You can stay in if you want.  I don't mind waiting," I tell him. 
"Alright," he smiles.  He grasps my hand and kisses the back of it before he continues on swimming laps.  I watch him and realize how nice it is to actually have a real friend.  It's been so long for me.  I haven't really had many people I was close to growing up and I cherish what I have with Jai.  I'm honestly not used to having someone to do things with and to talk about anything really.  Mikey has been the only person I've really confided in in the past and I probably shouldn't have told him the things I did.  After several more laps Jai surfaces in front of me. 
"You want back in?" he questions.  "I could use a break."
"Do you want to continue here and skip the legs?" I ask. 
"I feel like I'm working my legs plenty," he says pulling himself up and sitting beside me. 
"Alright.  We'll take turns," I nod since the other lanes are full.  I notice a maternity swim class in the shallow end.  Jai sees it too and then looks at me as I dive in.  I splash into the water and begin a freestyle stroke.  I do one full lap of that and then switch to the backstroke again.  After a few laps I surface to Jai smiling at me. 
"Have you rested enough or do you want me to keep going?" I ask him. 
"Your old lane is open," he tells me. 
I look around and see nobody nearby waiting. 
"You can take it if you want," I say. 
"Maybe I will if it's still open in a minute," he grins at me. 
"Alright.  I'm going back out," I tell him. 
I do a butterfly stroke this time and when I come back, he's gone.  I stop for a moment and look to the lane beside me.  I pull myself out of the water to see him surface at the other end.  I get back in and continue to swim a bit.  I eventually tire and I think I'm definitely done for the day.  I sit at the end of Jai's current lane to tell him.  He surfaces and looks happy to see me here. 
"Are you done?" he asks. 
"Yeah," I nod. 
"Give me a few more laps and we'll shower together," he grins. 
"I don't think so," I tease.
"You know what I meant," he slaps my leg playfully and swims his laps.  He does several more and then climbs out. 
We walk back to the locker rooms and separate but not before him reminding me to call him about any problems.  I nod in understanding and go in the locker room.  There's only one older woman in here and she appears to be leaving.  I grab my things and shower.  I sit in the sauna since Jai said he was going to also.  I'm so grateful for the silence and lack of company in here.  It's actually relaxing this time.  I lean my head back and can't help but think about Jai's friend.  That's so terrible that a friend of his who had children passed away.  That must've been so devastating for his wife and the kids, too.  I pray for comfort for the family... and for Jai.  I stay a little longer and go to take another shower.  I get dressed quickly and dry my hair.  I decide to style it a bit since we're going out for lunch and a movie after this.  I saw that there were some Miyazaki movies being played at the theater near my house and he offered to take me.  I make a fishtail side braid.  I figure if it's too windy, I'll turn it into a ponytail.  I tie it up and grab all of my things.  I put on some chapstick and head to the exit to meet him.

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