Chapter 34-Meg

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Bob Marley—'Could You Be Loved'


We climb up the ladder close to dinnertime, Jai first and me following behind.  He grasps me by the hand at the top.  I smile in thanks as I step over the rocky terrain carefully, heading toward my towel.  I dry off as best as I can and squeeze my hair out before getting dressed.  I pull my hair up in a knot and we start back down the path.  Jai takes my hand again as we climb down the trail.
We step into the lobby and I realize we're a little late to dinner.  We apologize and get a serving of the meal before sitting down with Javier and Luis.  I reach for Jai's hands and pray over the food in thanks before we begin. 
"This is good.  I wonder what it is," Jai says. 
"I think Pastor Ben says it was oxtail stew last week," I tell him.  "This was our first meal here."
He smirks at me and I'm not sure what's on his mind.  I smile back and continue on my food. 
I overhear Luis's conversation with Javier.  It sounds like he just got hired.  I smile at Javier as Luis gets up to join his wife. 
"Thank you, Jesus," Javier says happily. 
"Congratulations," I tell him. 
He laughs in surprise.  "I can't believe it.  Nobody would hire me.  But he's giving me a chance," he says. 
"You'll find that we're more forgiving and willing to take chances that others won't," I say.  "Just keep doing what you'll be doing and everything will work out."
He nods and thanks me for the advice.  Jai pats him on the back.  They talk a bit and I realize... Jai is really kind and friendly to the guys here.  I wonder if he's making some good connections, too.  I take a deep breath in and release it happily.  I'm so glad he's joining my world.  Perhaps some good will come out of this. 
We finish dinner and go to our separate rooms to get cleaned up.  I hear a knock on my door and I open it to Jai.  I let him in while I comb my hair and pull it back.  He leaves his bag in the hallway. 
"I'm not going to bring that in here.  It's been a while since I've had such a mess to wash," he says. 
"My older brother played football... American football.  His cleats were the stinkiest things I think I've ever smelled," I tell him. 
"Didn't he wash them?" he asks. 
"They would've turned our washer into Swiss cheese," I laugh. 
"True.  Mine for rugby were pretty rough," he nods.  "I left mine to air out in the sun.  Killed off some nasties that way."
"That's what Artie should've done.  He left his in the trunk of my mom's car.  We couldn't figure out what the smell was for the longest time.  We thought something got into the car and died," I tell him and he chuckles. 
I finish up and we head out.  I carry my bag and he has his slung over his shoulder.  I recall seeing a laundromat not too far from here.  We find it and step in the opened door.  It looks similar to the ones I've seen in the states but it's a bit more on the older side.  There's a fan on the ceiling circulating the air to make it comfortable in here.  The interior has brightly colored stripes painted vertically on the walls while the floor is a light brown colored tile.  All of the machines are stainless steel.  I hear reggae music playing over the speakers.  It sounds like Bob Marley. 
I walk in further and find a change machine.  I set my bag down and stick several bills in to make change.  I grab my fistful of coins and approach a machine.  Jai does the same.  He joins my side as I shove my laundry into the washer.  I put my coins in.  I look around for some detergent and I buy a two packets.  I give one to Jai as he finishes dumping his bundle in. 
"Thanks," he says surprised. 
"No worries," I tease smiling as I pour the powder in.  I start the load and step away.  I see a restroom to the side and I wash my hands in there.  He follows and does the same.  I see some seating and I sit down on a bench.  Jai sits beside me and puts his arms around the back. 
"Is this Bob Marley?" he asks. 
"Yes," I reply. 
"Wasn't he a Christian?" he inquires.  
"He was a Rastafarian," I tell him. 
"What's the difference?" he asks. 
"They're kind of on par with Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses," I say shrugging. 
He makes a gesture for me to elaborate. 
"There are a lot of offshoots to Christianity.  They generally add to the Bible.  I personally believe it's complete as it is," I say. 
"What do they add?" he asks. 
"The Book of Mormon, The Watchtower..." I say.  "They add to the Bible.  It even says in the Bible not to add to it or take away from it.  The Rastafarians think Jesus returned as some Ethiopian king.  They do drugs as a way of life... I believe it's just contradictory.  I would hope that they get the point and really know God.  I pray for them but only God knows who truly believes and who doesn't."
He nods pursing his lips. 
"So you don't believe in their Ethiopian king?" he asks. 
"If Jesus returned from Heaven, I'd be up there and the world would be ending down here," I say.  He looks to me confused.  "It's in Revelation, Matthew, ... the book of Daniel, and it's in one of Paul's letters—first Thessalonians, I think.  I can't remember where else, probably all of the gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John."
"Why those four?" he asks. 
"Because those have the words of Jesus in them,"I explain. 
"What do you mean?" he questions. 
"Well... they're eyewitness accounts," I tell him.  "At least Matthew and John are direct accounts.  Mark was friends with Peter, the apostle.  Well, they're all followers of Jesus.  I feel like I'm confusing you."
"A little bit," he admits.  "So they're supposedly eyewitnesses?"
I nod. 
"Are there any non-religious texts that record his life?" he asks me. 
"There's a Roman document that brings up the crucifixion.  I think it was written about fires during Emperor Nero's reign," I say. 
I look it up on my phone and we read about it together. "Huh," he says surprised. "So, if he was dead, why did he have so many followers?"
"Are you referring to Jesus?" I ask confused furrowing my brows.
He nods.
"Jesus wasn't dead. Well... he did die for three days. But he rose from the grave on the third day," I tell him.
Now his brows furrow.
"That's why we celebrate Easter. It's not his death but his resurrection," I explain.
"You believe he's still alive?" he asks me.
"I know he is," I tell him.
He seems surprised at my response.
"If he were still alive, why wouldn't we see him?" he asks.
"He ascended to Heaven," I say. "He did so in front of his followers. There were over five hundred people who saw him alive."
He looks at me skeptically. I feel torn as if to continue this conversation by bringing out scripture or let it go. I'm not sure which route to take, or what he's ready for so I ask him, "What do you think about all of this?"
He sighs and looks away. "It all sounds kind of fantastical," he admits.
"Like you think it's amazing or impossible to believe?" I ask for clarification.
"I don't know what to think," he admits and I realize he's still skeptical.
"Do you want me to explain anything further... or do you want to talk about something else?" I ask hesitantly.
"Whatever you want," he says and I realize I confuse him. He's not used to anything he can't see. I smile sadly at him and I'll keep praying.
"So, what did you want to do tomorrow?" I ask him. He smiles at me and gets out his phone.
"What would you rather do? We could either go to a waterfall or we could tour the city," he says.
I laugh in surprise. "They both sound nice," I admit. "But you said you wanted to talk. Which would be better for that?" I ask.
"Probably the city," he nods. He takes out a piece of paper from his pocket and I realize it's the itinerary. "We could maybe do the waterfall on another day," he suggests. "We could take a couple people with us if you want."
I smile, "That sounds nice."
He kisses the top of my head but I see him scrolling on his phone. He reads a message and I peer out the window to give him privacy.
"So... it looks like I've just been sent an approximate time frame for my latest film's release," he tells me. I turn to him to give him my full attention. "They usually plan out a special screening for the cast and crew..."
I blink in surprise unsure of what he's saying.
"That's interesting," I tell him.
"I usually can bring someone with me and this time is no different," he says.
I smile at him.
"Would you like to come with me?" he asks and I feel myself going pale at the offer.
"Why... why would you want to take me?" I ask confused.
"We're friends, right?" he asks.
"Yes," I nod.
"Won't you be my plus one?" he asks sweetly.
"What... what kind of... movie is it?" I ask.
"Action," he shrugs nonchalantly.
"There's no... sex scenes or anything is there?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Nothing inappropriate?"
"There's a bit of swearing," he shrugs.
"It's not like the F bomb is dropped constantly, right?" I ask.
"It's fairly mild," he says. "Mostly rated for blood and stuff."
"You want me to come?" I ask confused.
He nods.
"Isn't that like a red carpet event?" I question.
He nods again.
"I... I don't know what to say," I tell him dumbfounded.
"Yes," he says grinning.
I don't understand why he wants to bring me. I just don't get it. "I'll be so out of my league," I tell him.
"Are you kidding? You'll be the talk of the town," he smiles.
"What would I even wear to something like that?" I ask confused. "I have my prom dress from high school, though I doubt it would fit anymore," I say pulling at my loose shirt. "I've got my wedding dress but I was planning on giving it away."
"I could have something made for you," he offers.
"You mean like custom?" I ask him.
He nods.
I instantly shake my head. "No," I tell him.
He frowns. "Why not?"
"That sounds expensive," I say.
"Cost doesn't matter," he insists.
"How far away is it?" I ask.
"Two to three months," he shrugs. "It's usually three or a little more with the editing, though."
"I could make something," I say. "Or alter a dress. My mom would have to help, though. I'm not that good but she is."
"Like make your own dress?" he asks surprised.
I nod. "I made some in high school but I gave them away."
He sighs looking me over. "Is there anything you can't do?"
"I'm not very good with centipedes," I tell him and he laughs.
He engulfs me in a massive hug and kisses the top of my head. "So, you'll come, right?"
I give my assent and he hugs me tighter.

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