Chapter 79-Meg

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I can't help but stare at how nice he looks in his suit as he drives us to the museum.  It's black with a white shirt and a grey striped textured tie.  He styled his hair kind of messy-like and I have to avoid looking at him. 
"Something wrong?" he asks me. 
"No," I whisper. 
"You look nice, by the way," he says. 
"So do you," I reply.  He grins as I glance at him. 
"So you said this is at the museum?" he questions. 
"Yeah.  Where you posed me the other day, that's the entrance," I explain. 
"Oh," he says in surprise.  "I thought it was all the museum."
"There's a small peristyle theater in there.  It has excellent acoustics," I tell him. 
He smiles at me as he parks in the lot.  I unbuckle and put my wool dress coat back on, then attempt to cover my hair a bit with my scarf since it's so cold and windy.  Jai opens my door for me and offers me his hand.  I take his offer of help and try to walk in these ridiculously high heels my mom bought me.  I've only worn them twice before and the brick road isn't exactly level. 
"I've got to admit, I'm struggling in these shoes," I tell him. 
He chuckles and holds me more firmly wrapping an arm around my back and holding my hand with his other.  We cross the road and are on the level sidewalk. 
"Thanks," I say.  "I think I'm better here."
He grins and releases me somewhat but he does loop my arm with his.  We walk through the school entrance—my ID still granting me access since it's after hours.  We stride along the dim lit corridor around the museum, my heels making a clacking noise as we walk.  We exit the main entrance doors and it's not so windy against the front of the building.  Jai poses us for a picture against the columns and someone is kind enough to offer to take it.  We thank them and Jai smiles as he looks it over.  We enter the peristyle and he picks up the tickets he ordered.  We turn around to walk to our seats when I actually see a familiar face. 
"Professor Roberts," I say in surprise.  She's one of my favorite professors and was also my faculty advisor.  "It's good to see you."
"Megan," she smiles.  She actually hugs me.  "I'm so sorry about the engagement."
"Yeah," I say softly. 
"Who's your friend?" she asks excitedly. 
"Oh, this is Jai.  Jai, this is one of my professors, Diane Roberts," I introduce. 
"It's nice to meet you," Jai says shaking her hand. 
"The same here," she grins.  "Oh, I was going to send you a message but I've actually got the information with me," she says.  She looks in her small reticule.  "I just checked my mailbox in the office and thought this would be perfect for you."
She hands me a mailer with an advertisement for artists submissions.  We went to this gallery in Chicago together.  I actually remember thinking that their gallery might consider some of my work—more so than the others. 
"I think you should submit your last series.  I've actually seen all of them, not just the one in the gallery.  They're currently looking to fill their entire gallery with a collection if you can come up with something else quickly but they're willing to show off several artists," she explains. 
"Alright," I nod.  "I'll consider it."
"It was nice seeing you, dear," she smiles. 
"Good to see you, too," I say as we part. 
Jai grasps a program as he escorts me to our seats.  "This is a nice theater," he comments standing at the entrance. 
"It is," I agree.  It's somewhat small but so beautiful.  It has the same Ancient Greek type appearance to that of the exterior of the museum except it has a more mellow glow in here—almost yellow and tan.  I'm not sure if it's a different material in this part of the building or the light that gives it this appearance but whenever I enter this room, it just fills me with warmth.  I feel Jai lead me forward as the auditorium begins to fill in and I'm surprised when we keep going.  I've only ever sat in the back section of seats.  He takes us right up front and center.  I look to him in surprise but he motions for me to take a seat.  I sit down and he joins my side. 
"Can I see that?" he asks me about the mailer in my hand. 
"Sure," I say. 
I take his program from his hand and lazily glance at it as he studies the flyer in his.  He turns it over and gives it back to me. 
"Are you going to submit your work?" he asks. 
"I don't know," I shrug. 
"I think you should," he says. 
"There's usually a cost involved," I tell him. 
"How does that work?" he questions. 
"Well, I would pay the submission fee for my work to be looked at.  The entire point is that it's a business and they're trying to make money.  They want to find an artist to produce artwork for them regularly.  They're intending to make a profit, so they would want to sell my work.  They would take a portion of the proceeds as a fee for their assistance in representing me," I explain. 
"I don't see the problem," he grins.  "That sounds like a good deal."
"Yeah, but what if my work doesn't sell for much," I shrug.  "I'd give my treasured artwork away and have to surrender everything I made from it.  It's kind of a risk."
He nods in understanding.  "I don't think that would be the case," he tells me. 
"But it is a possibility," I tell him truthfully. 
"At least you could say you sold work and have that as something on your résumé," he explains gently.  "I started out small, too.  Sometimes you just have to take a chance."
I feel him move a stray hair out of my face and he caresses my cheek.  I hear the orchestra starting to tune up and the space around us begins to fill in more.  Someone sits in the seat beside me and clearly does a double take at seeing Jai.  I smile at the gentleman and turn my focus on Jai.  He laces his fingers with mine and rests our hands together on the armrest between us. 
The lights dim and the conductor takes the podium.  I close my eyes as they begin.  It's so beautiful.  I rest in the serene sound as the orchestra fills the room with such dramatic, breathtaking music.  I feel a gentle caress on my hand.  I open my eyes to Jai moving his thumb across the back of my hand.  He's watching the symphony.  I can't help the goosebumps that cover my skin at his touch.  I try to focus on the music but my attention is completely on him and that one gentle caress as he continues.  I can't help the pounding in my chest and I try to convince myself that he's just my friend.  I close my eyes once more and focus on the tranquil music of the orchestra, ignoring the pleasurable sensation he's causing. 
I get lost in the symphony and I feel moved by the sound, the incredible experience of being here.  I've always loved this—loved classical and traditional music.  I feel so at home here, so relaxed.  I listen to the strings as they play recalling my lessons and how much I loved playing.  I hear the drums and smile remembering the time I played in marching band in that position.  Both were so enjoyable.  My love for music is only surpassed by my love for God. 
I feel another caress and I open my eyes to Jai looking at me.  I smile at him and he smiles back.  He caresses my hand again and I tell myself once more that he's my friend... only my friend.  His gaze at me would tell me otherwise... so I trust in what he's told me.  We're just friends, so I fix my attention back to the orchestra.  My heart is beating so fast, in a rhythm with the accelerated rate of the tempo.  I try to relax but his touch and gaze won't allow it.  I close my eyes again and try to focus on the music once more.  The pace begins to slow and I breathe in tandem with it.  My heart rate slows and I feel relieved.  I spend the rest of the symphony focusing only on the music and not how my hand is radiating and tingling from that sensation.  The music continues and as we near the end, rising in volume with a crescendo.  I open my eyes and smile as they complete the masterpiece.  Everyone claps.  Some even rise and I join them clapping for the symphony.  I look beside me to Jai and he's smiling. 
"That was good," he tells me close to my ear.  "I think I've found a gem."
I smile in response to him.  As everyone begins to leave, the gentleman beside me speaks to Jai.  I find out he's a big fan and has seen all of his movies.  Jai autographs his program and the man is overjoyed.  He actually asks about me and Jai introduces me as his best friend again.  My heart melts because I really do think of him like that.  The man inquires about if he'll be in town often then.  Jai seems to really be thinking the question over and looks to me. 
"I hope so," is his response. 
I smile in reply. 
He tells Jai that he hopes he'll be seeing more of him in the future and gives him his business card.  Jai takes it and thanks him.  He smiles at me. 
"What?" I question. 
"I think he hopes I'm staying," he chuckles. 
"Why's that?" I ask curiously. 
"He's a real estate agent," he tells me. 
"Well, homes are less expensive here than California," I say. 
"Really?" he questions. 
I nod and hum a reply.  He escorts me out of the venue and around the building.  He surprisingly picks me up and carries me over the brick road.  I laugh in surprise before he sets me down in the parking lot.  He's grinning smugly and I'm chuckling in total befuddlement.  He grasps my hand again and leads me to his car, opening the door for me.  He helps me in and closes the door for me.  He starts the ignition and turns the heater on buckling up. 
"Sorry, I've just got to look something up real quick," he says getting out his phone.  "Huh," he says in surprise. 
"What is it?" I ask. 
"I didn't think you were serious," he replies. 
"About what?" I inquire.
"Housing," he says. 
"Oh, yeah.  Aren't houses usually like a million or something like that in California?" I ask. 
"Something like that," he grins. 
"Yeah, they're nowhere near that unless you want a mansion around here," I tell him changing the radio station. 
"Don't like that song?" he asks me. 
"I don't know.  It's just not my favorite," I shrug.  "So are you looking?" I ask. 
"I don't know.  It depends," he says dismissively.  I smile at him as he drives off.

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