Chapter 25 Mutually Assured Love

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Andy POV

     As our foreheads were pressed together she whispered, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I just needed to feel better. Everything feels so out of my control right now."

     I knew when she had kissed me what it was, and I wasn't mad. "You can use me all you want if its like that."

     She let out a small laugh and I joined her as she pulled back. She began pulling things out of the fridge to prep dinner and I went into the back for a smoke. She may have used that kiss to escape reality for a minute but I could still feel there was something there between us. I wouldn't push her but after that I am sure she will come to me on her own. We were going to be alone a lot sense most of the other guys had their own places and lives now. They still come to hang out but they aren't here 24/7 anymore. She would come to me but it just would take some time. She was still grieving for Jordan and it takes time to get over this. I know she had loved him a lot. 

     She may not know it yet but i have loved her for a long time and I would wait however long she needed me to.


-     I heard the back door close as I was pulling things out of the fridge to get dinner going. It was weirdly quiet in the house without all of the guys living in here. All I could hear was the sound of the tv and the sounds of my rustling threw the fridge. I was gonna make one of Jazzie's favorite things, breaded chicken chunks and home made fries. I pulled out my phone and put on a random play list as I started chopping up the chicken and potato's. After everything was prepped I put it into the oven and started cleaning up the mess and the dishes I had made. I started to sway to the music as I washed following the beat of the music. 

     I was paying so little attention that I didn't realize I was being watched until I heard a throat clear behind me. My cheeks warmed up and I turned around to an amused looking Andy leaning against the door frame to the kitchen.

     "How long have you been standing there?"

     He laughed, "Long enough so see your sick dance moves."

     He laughed again as I stuck out my tongue out at him. A slower song came on and I held out my hand, "Why don't you show me yours?"

     He hesitated for a minute before he took my hand and pulled me to him. I rested my hands on his chest and he covered one hand with his and rested his other hand on my waist as we swayed to the music. I put my head against his chest and closed my eyes as I listened to the beating of his heart and the sound of air filling his lungs. I don't know how long we stayed like this before the timer on the oven went off startling us out of the trance we were in. We had jumped apart like teenagers getting caught by one of their parents.

     Andy leaned against the counter and I could feel his eyes on me as I took the food out of the oven and sat it on the stove before switching the oven off. I pulled out some plates and put food onto them for us. I handed Andy's plate to him and grabbed mine and Jazzie's before heading into the living room. I sat Jazzie at the coffee table and watched her as she absent mindedly ate while she watched her cartoon. I looked over and saw Andy was watching me watch her as we ate. I gave him a small smile and he smiled back at me. By this time Jazzie was beginning to fall asleep. I could see her swaying back and forth as she struggled to stay awake. I set my plate onto the coffee table and scooped her up walking to the bedroom to put her down. I laid beside her on the bed and traced her features as she slept. 

     She let out a mumble that sounded like daddy and a small tear streamed down the side of her face. I quickly wiped the tear and kissed her cheek as I got up and got some stuff to take a shower. I quickly stripped down and stepped under the hot water and my thoughts drifted back to Andy. The kiss and the dance were making me feel things that no women should feel after her husband had just died weeks before. I want to resist them but even if he doesn't realize it, I have always loved him.  

     I let out a sigh as I rinsed my hair and body before stepping out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my head and dried off my body before quickly getting dressed. I dropped my clothes and towels in the hamper before I switched off the light and headed to the kitchen. I put a kettle on to boil as I grabbed a mug, a tea bag and the honey. Sometimes it was hard for me to fall asleep and tea normally helped. It looked like Andy had taken care of the rest of the cleanup and now I wasn't sure where he was. 

     "What are you doing?"

     I whirled around quickly my wet hair smacking my face and putting a hand to my chest, where I swear my hearts was attempting to beat out of it, to see Andy walking into the kitchen. 

     I let out a breath, "Jesus Andy, I didn't know you were there."

     He smiled at me as he repeated the question. "I'm just making some tea, it helps me sleep when a lot of stuff is on my mind."

     He smiled as he walked towards me and I found myself holding my breath as he stepped so close my eyes were level with his chest. I brought my eyes up to his blue ones and watched as he studied me. He lifted up a hand and rubbed some of my hair in between my finger before he leaned down next to my ear and whispered, "Sleep well."

     I let out my breath, my lungs burning for air, as he turned around and left me alone in the kitchen. What the hell was that? I jumped as the kettle started screaming and I turned quickly to remove it from the heat. What was this man trying to do to me?

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