Chapter 10 Moving On

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     The next day I decided I would go out and look for a job. With the tour over I needed A new source of income. I knew the boys would support me, but I didn't want to be a burden. Not to mention I needed a break from Andy and Sam. She was nothing but a lying bitch, but Andy was wrapped so tight around Sam's finger that he wouldn't even let me explain.

     I sighed as I filled in my fourth application. They were all so repetitive and boring, but it was worth it to have some peace. I stood up handing my application in. I smiled as I turned around to leave running right into someone's chest.

     I gasped as I watched a cold red liquid that looked like a slushy run down my white bring me to the horizon t-shirt. I looked up about to cuss the klutz out when I found myself looking into the most beautiful pair of vibrant green eyes I have ever seen. I saw his mouth moving and finally shook my head shaking off the fogginess.

     "I'm sorry what?"

     "I said I'm so sorry. Let me grab some napkins and help you."

     He kept babbling the whole time about how sorry he was that he didn't mean it. He started to wipe my shirt off and blushed as he brushed off the area along my breast. I smiled and grabbed the slight damp paper towel from him finishing the job myself. He scratched the back of his head as he watched me. I smiled at his cuteness, then I realized this little thing made me forget all about Sam and Andy. Maybe he was exactly what I needed.

     I held out my hand and he hesitantly shook my hand, " I'm Jj."

     He smiled back, " Jordan. Listen I'm so sorry about your shirt I'll buy....."

     I shook my head holding my hand up to silence him, " No harm no fowl. If you wanna pay me back I'm heading to the library to use the computers, walk with me?"

     He nodded enthusiastically and fell into step beside me.

     "So....Jj are you from around here? I haven't seen you before."

     "No I just moved here a few days ago. I'm just looking for a job to pass my time. "

     "Oh I'm sure your boyfriend was upset when you moved."

     "No not really."

     I watched his head drop as I said this. I smiled knowing he assumed I was with someone.

     "I don't have a boyfriend."

     He smiled brightly, "Oh great! I mean not great but I mean good, I mean...never mind."

     He chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. I smiled and looped my arm through his. His smile became warm when it was clear that his awkwardness had not turned me off. When we got to the library he followed me in and talked to me as I filled in more applications. Even when I was done with the applications we stayed for hours after, until the librarian told us she was closing up. I couldn't remember the last time I had laughed so much. He made me forget all of my problems. He was a great escape, the perfect thing for me right now.

     We left the library and he walked me home. It was a comfortable silence. I watched as he reached over and gently grabbed my hand into his. His hand was warm dry and caused little butterflies the roll around in my stomach. I smiled in content. Minutes later we arrived in front of the band house. As I reached the door I turned around to face him. I pulled a pen out if my pocket turned his hand over and wrote my name and cell number down. I went onto my tip toes kissed his cheek then rushed inside.

     I looked threw the peephole and watched as he smiled and rubbed his cheek where my lips had brushed as if he was remembering how it felt. After a moment he walked away smiling. As I turned around I came into contact with a cold pair of blue eyes.

     "Who was that?"

Andy POV

     I walked down the stairs smiling. Sam had found her dress despite Jj's despicable behavior the day before. I saw a shadow threw the living room widow and curiously went to look. I watched as Jj wrote something on a strangers hand then quickly pecked his cheek. I froze as she came threw the door. But not seeing me she quickly turned around looking threw the peephole. I watched her cheeks lift as she smiled watching him. I felt anger and jealously flair to life inside of me. I quietly went behind her waiting for her to turn around and see me. After a moment with a small smile on her face she turned around, freezing when she saw me and the smiling slipping from her face.

     "Who was that?" I said coldly.

     She quickly shook herself out of her frozen state, "I don't think that's any of your business."

     She said this so coldly I give her a shocked look, " You bringing strange men to my house at all hours of the night is my business!"

     I watched fire burst into her eyes, " Jordan is not a strange man. And I live here too!"

     "Yes you live here but you don't pay bills! You don't bring anything into this house! So what I say goes!"

     Jj looked at me with fire and tears in her eyes, "Then I will move out...And by the way. I hate you Andy Biersack."

     I instantly felt regret as I watched her run up stairs. What is wrong with me?

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