Chapter 2 Stow Away

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     I smiled as Lori and I pulled up to the venue. We were 20 minutes early, but there was already a huge crowd waiting for the concert to start outside the doors. We got out of the car and joined the crowd in front of the doors. It seemed like everyone there had black hair. I felt so out of place. I looked over at Lori and she looked uncomfortable in her clothes. More then once Lori got a dirty look. A lot of people here were social rejects and had been made fun of and bullied by people that looked and dressed just like Lori.

     One of the guys in line near us commented, "Look at miss priss."

     I gave him a dirty look and said, "Buzz off ass tard"

     He rolled his eyes at me turned away and continued talking to a friend as I glared a hole into the back of his head. I looked away and quickly dragged Lori back over to the car with a confused look on her face. I pulled out my extra skinnies and black t-shirt that were too small on me out of my bag and handed them to her. Her confused look slowly disappeared into understanding as she took the clothes and ran for the gas station next door to change.

     I smiled as I saw Lori walking back with her pearls still on and her hair still in that severe bun. As she came over I took all the Bobbie pins out of her hair and watched as it fell in curls down to the middle of her back. I then took off her pearls gave her a black choker necklace and pulled out my makeup bag. I gave her smoky gray eyes and put a dab of lip gloss on her. After I was satisfied I put my stuff away and handed her a little hand mirror. She looked at herself in surprise. Lori was beautiful so I could have put a paper bag on her head and she still would have looked beautiful.

     I waited for Lori to lock up the car and we got back into the crowd. All of a sudden the tour bus for Black Veil Brides pulled up and everyone started chanting, "Black Veil Brides!"

     Everyone started jumping and screaming as Andy and the rest of the BVB crew exited the bus and went inside. About five to ten minutes after they went inside the doors were opened and everyone rushed to the doors to give their tickets up and go inside.

     As we went inside the seat lights were on and the stage was dark. Lori and I slowly weaseled our ways to the front near the stage with the rest of the fans that whispered excitedly waiting for the band to appear. After about 10 minutes the lights dimmed and everyone started cheering. Suddenly the stage lit up with all the guys on stage and Andy said the famous words, "We are, the Black Veil Brides!"


     After the concert Andy announced that the band would be doing a meet and greet at their merch table, but I had a completely different idea. This is the thing that with out me knowing it yet would change the rest of my life.

     "Hey, Lori! Let's go find the band bus."

     She looked at me  with wide eyes and said, "What? No that's crazy. We are not gonna try to get on their bus!"

     "Why not? It's not like they will find out, and we aren't going to take anything."

     "Fine. You go by yourself and I'll wait in the car for you for an hour, got it? And after that I'm going to leave and you'll have to call your mom for a ride."

     I squealed and hugged her running to find the bus. It didn't take too long to find the bus. I went to the back of the venue building and there it sat. I had a feeling that I would probably have to climb through a window. I pulled on the door handle and the door swung easily open. I was so surprised, I mean who's dumb enough to keep their tour bus unlocked? I smiled and shrugged no longer caring and got on the bus.

     I walked through the door and walked toward the end of the bus. I first came in contact with the kitchen. It was a little messy, but with that many guys living in one space it was bound to be a little messy. They had a lot of junk food and soda in the kitchen which made me wonder how they are all so skinny. I walked down a hallway and saw the bathroom. I walked in and saw war paint all over the counter along with hair spray and multiple straighteners. I looked under the sink and saw toilet paper and shampoo and body wash. I then walked to the backroom where there was 6 bunks. I walked through a door that led into what looked like a game room. There was a huge TV a bunch of game systems and a huge couch.

     As I walked back through the bunk room I saw that there was a closed door to one side of the room. I twisted the nob but it was locked. Why would you lock the door of your room but not your bus door? I shook my head and grabbed a bobbie-pin out of my pocket from Lori's hair and began to try picking the lock. People pick locks all the time so it couldn't be that hard. To my surprise the lock came undone easily and I went into the room. In the middle of the room there was a king sized bed with black silk sheets and a red silk blanket. The bed was unmade and rumpled like the person who had slept in it had just rolled out of bed and left it. I smiled and sat on the bed. I opened the drawers in the bedside table and looked at the contents. Lighters, cigarettes, a notebook, and some random wrappers. I closed the drawer and went over to his closet. He had an extra blanket on the floor of his closet, hanging up he had a lot of skinny jeans, tank tops, t shirts, and studded belts. For a guys room it was very neat and organized. His room was cleaner then mine. I had clothes and books and CD's all over my room but his were all organized.

     I went and sat down on the bed still looking around. I laid back slowly the sheets smelled of smoke, sweat, vanilla and male. I must have fell asleep because the next thing I remember is waking up to the sound of guys talking and walking through the bus. I quickly jumped up and ran to the closet hiding myself in a ball under the blankets. I quickly realized I forgot to re-lock the door and let out a silent swear. I flinched as the key was inserted in the door and did nothing but turn the handle.

     I heard a guy say, "What the fuck? Cc have you been messing with my door again?!"

     I heard a slightly confused Cc saying, "No man, I've been with you the whole time!"

     I heard what sounded like Andy mumble under his breath, "Can't believe I fucking forgot to lock it."

     Andy let out a loud sigh and locked his door. I then heard him plop down on his bed as his phone went off. He chuckled like he got a funny message. I smiled at his laugh. Even his laugh sounded sexy. Suddenly I heard him get up and he opened the closet. I froze squeezed my eyes shut and stopped breathing, like closing my eyes would stop him from seeing me. I felt the light weight of things being dropped on top of me. He must be getting undressed for bed. I almost fan girled right there under the blanket at the thought of Andy semi naked. I heard his bedroom door open and close again. I furiously thought of a way to get out and came up with nothing. I would have to walk out past the rest of the band to get outside. I swore and and froze when I heard him come back in the room again.

     Andy's phone rang and he picked up, "Hey babe" it must have been Juliet. They talked for about 20 minutes before he said, "I love you too. Goodnight."

     I heard the bed creak as he laid down. I sighed in relieve as I heard his breathing slow down into sleep. I smiled listening to his steady breathing and then drifted off to sleep with him.


     The next morning I came to seeing light under my eyelids. I rolled over and covered my head and yelled, "Mom, its Saturday, turn off my light!"

     I then heard an angry voice say, "Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my closet?"

    I froze and opened my eyes slowly to a very sexy yet angry looking Andy Biersack. I just stared at him for what seemed like forever until he cleared his throat. I opened my mouth but all that came out was an incoherent word that could barley be heard. Andy then grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me into the game room that was beyond the bunk room. All conversation that was going on instantly stopped. Andy shoved my forward and I rubbed my arm knowing there were going to be some bruising later.

     Cc was the first one to speak, "So you got a piece of ass Andy, but don't bring her out here and tease the rest of us."

     My face turned beat red and Andy said, "Oh this one wasn't invited, besides I have Juliet. We have had a stowaway sense our last venue."

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