Chapter 14 Decisions

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     I looked at Jordan in shock. Move in with him? We haven't even been dating for a month. Why does he want to move so quick? How would I get back and forth to work? His house is too far out of town to walk to work. Not to mention rent. I can't afford to pay a lot. I was so absorbed in my thoughts and forgot all about Jordan nervously waiting for an answer.

     Not knowing how to answer I decided to voice my worries, "What about rent and my job? Not to mention we haven't even been together that long. What if you get tired of me? What if you get tired of how broken I am?"

     At the last part I looked away from his face not wanting to see his expression. I felt his hand cup the side of my face and gently tilt my head up. "You are not broken. Someone hurt you. They may have hurt you but they did not break you. I see the strongest women I have ever met sitting in front of me. You did not let this thing that happened to you stop you from living. You pushed on. Some people can't do that, but you did. I will take care of you. I will never get tired of you I promise."

      I felt tears one again trickling down my face. I threw myself into his arms and he held me tightly as he whispered soothing words to me. It was then I decided I would take his offer. He cares for me more than anyone ever had before. I settled down and agreed to move in. I then excused myself to call the guys.

     I called Cc first because he always answers me, "Hey princess!"

     I smiled at the familiar nick name, "I have some great news. I'm moving in with Jordan."

     I spent the next hour assuring him I was sure and everything would be alright and that Jordan was not a serial killer. I smiled as I hung up the phone. I was going to stay at Jordan's tonight and tomorrow we were going to get the few things I owned at the boys house. I couldn't wait to begin my life with Jordan. He could be the one to heal me.

Andy P.O.V

     We all filed into the living room to hear what Cc had to say. He seemed hesitant to tell us like it was bad news. Sam sat beside me and rested her hand on my leg. I gave her a tight smile as I looked back at Cc.

     "Jj called me not too long ago. She is staying at Jordan's tonight, and every night from this day forward. She is not going to be in town in that apartment. She will be about 30 minutes out of town. So we won't see her much. She wanted me to tell everyone this so they would know."

     I felt everyone's eyes on me. Like they were accusing me of making her leave, and they were right. What was wrong with me? Why didn't I just admit I was wrong and apologize to her. She would still be here if I had just admitted I was wrong.

     I walked out of the silent room. I pulled out my phone and texted Jj with a simple message of, I'm sorry. I didn't get a response but I never expected one. I just wanted her to know.

Jordan POV

     I smiled down at the beautiful girl asleep in my arms. I was never going to let her go. I would kill before someone took her away from me. I felt a vibration from a text message. I pulled out my phone but it wasn't me. I reached into her pocket careful not to wake her.

     I opened her texts and saw something from Andy. All it said was, I'm sorry. I quickly deleted the message and replaced the phone in her pocket.

     She stirred and looked up at me, "Are you ok? You have a funny look on your face."

     I smiled down at her, "I'm fine baby. Go back to sleep."

     She smiled sleepily and closed her eyes again. I wouldn't let Andy take her from me. She may not see it, but I can see in his eyes that he loves her. But she's mine and he can't have her.

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