Chapter 16 Surprise

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     I frowned confused as I opened up the front door to darkness. This makes no sense, all of the cars are here. Are they all still sleeping?

     "Guys?" I yelled this out as I fumbled for the light switched.

     As light flooded the room I jumped as everyone jumped out yelling surprise. I looked back at Jordan setting the smile on his face I knew he was in on it.

     I smiled as he hugged me to his side. I felt his lips near my ears and shivered, "Are you surprised?"

     "Of course I am. Thank you, you didn't have to do this," I kissed his surprised lips.

     "Any time babe," I blushed at the use of the word babe.

     I smiled laughing as everyone came in for a group hug even surprisingly enough Andy did too. No sign of Sam though. Aw well, she would just make me miserable. I smiled at all the familiar faces and returning hugs to the people I met on tour.

     "I have one more surprise for you babe. It's in the back yard."

     Jordan covered my eyes and grabbed my hand to guide me threw the darkness. We finally came to a stop and he slowly uncovered my eyes. I froze as I saw Lori. Tears came to my eyes as we ran to each other. I hugged her tightly not even realizing how much I missed her and how much I had neglected keeping in touch.

     "How did you get here?"

     "Jason bought me a bus ticket and I started heading here a few days ago. It was so hard to keep this secret from you! I missed you so much!"

     I smiled as she hugged me tightly again. We both walked to the boys going inside to catch up. I kissed Jordan thanking him again. I saw a look of anger on Andy's face but ignore it. He has no right to be mad about anything.

     I ignored his looks the rest of the party. When it was time to go Lori came with us to stay at the house with me and Jordan for a few days. We all got into his SUV with my few boxes of stuff. Lori and I chatted the whole time add Jordan smiled every so often at our silliness.

     Silence falls and my phone dings with a text message.

Lori: so what happened with Andy? I thought after him and Juliet broke up you would get together.

Me: he didn't feel anything towards me. He got with Sam right away and they got engaged right away. They were prob together the whole time he was with Juliet.

Lori: I'm sorry hun. :(

Me: it's fine. Not anyone's fault. His loss Jordan's gain. Lol

Lori: :)

     I smiled as we all sat in comfortable silence. When we got to the house I saw the surprise in Loris eyes over the size. I smiled dragging her inside. We both flopped on the couch and turned on lifetime.

     "Jordan babe can you make some popcorn?"

     Jordan smiled shaking his head, "Of course babe. Anything for you."

     I smiled as he walked my eyes zeroing in on his perfect butt. I looked over to see Lori staring at me and blushed because she caught me starring at him.

     "That's some fine man candy. Where did you meet him?"

     "The café in town where I work. I wasn't working there yet but I had just filled out an application and I was trying to leave as he came in and he spilled a slushy all over my white shirt. I almost yelled at him but he was stuttering and apologizing and I thought it was so cute. We hung out a lot until he finally asked me out. I was going to move into an apartment but he didn't see the point when he had this huge house."

     "Do you love him?"

     I stuttered at her blunt question, "W-What? I-I  d-don't know, too soon to tell."

     We both fell silent as Jordan walked back in with a big bowl of popcorn and gave us suspicious looks at the quietness.

     "So what are you guys watching?"

     "Some chick flick babe, nothing you would be interested in."

     In all honesty I didn't know what was on but I hoped saying that would make him lose interest. I was right as he heard that he signaled he was going to the room to go to bed.

     Lori dropped the subject of boys as we watching chick flicks and scary movies. At about one am I felt like it was time for bed. I showed Lori to a room and said goodnight heading to mine and Jordan's room.

     As I walked in he was sleeping. I smiled and kissed his forehead. His phone all of a sudden started going off and I ran for it so it wouldn't wake him up. A text had popped up the screen of his phone with a simple message.

     The shipments in boss.

 I put down the phone, it must just be his business. I laid down next to Jordan and fell asleep as he pulled me into his warm chest.

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