Chapter 18 Run In

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     I smiled as the wind from the open window blew my damp hair around my face. The drive to the café passed incredibly fast. Before I knew it I had to introduce my 'cousin' to my boss. Lori and I walked quickly to the café entrance. As we walked in the bell above the door dinged.

     We walked up to the counter and I yelled, "Hey boss man!"

     My manager came out of the back and smiled at me. We talked for a moment before he excused himself talking about paperwork. Lori and I walked to the cashier and ordered two large coffees to go. Mine was more cream and sugar than coffee but what can I say? I like it blonde. Hehe. We grabbed our drinks and walked to the door, then there was a deja vu moment. I watched as a red slushy dripped down my clothes in what seemed to be slow motion. Only I was in slow motion too and unable to stop it.

     I looked up about to curse out whoever did it and was surprised by the appearance of Andy and Sam. Sam had the cup in her hand and what looked to be a mock look of apology. She knew it was me and did it on purpose. I looked to Andy's face and saw a sincere look of apology.

     Andy spoke first, "I'm so sorry Jj we didn't see you."

    I began rubbing off my shirt mumbling under my breath, "I'm sure someone did, little bitch."

     He looked confused, "What was that?"

     "Oh I just said it's fine. But I have to get going. I'll see you guys later."

     Before I could get all the way or the door I heard Sam calling me. "I have something for you. It's the invite to the wedding. I was going to mail it but I didn't have your new address. What great luck we ran into each other. Well we will talk later. Bye!"

     I saw fake written all over her face and from the look on Lori's face, she did too. I let out a loud sigh as I sat in the drivers side searching the car looking for napkins or something. Thankfully Jordan knew my clumsiness and had a package of baby wipes in the dash. I cleaned up and then looked up noticing Lori looking at me.

     She took a deep breath and finally spoke, "I don't care what he says or does, he still has feelings for you."

Andy POV

     I watched sadly as Jj walked away. I saw the look on Sam's face and I know that it was no accident what she did but I didn't feel like fighting today. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even realize Sam was talking until I saw a hand in my face.

     "Earth to Andy. Do you want anything?"

     I gave her a tight smile and shook my head as I sat down at a booth resting my head in my hands. Everything is just so messed up right now. I'm engaged to Sam and all I can think about is JJ. Sweet innocent Jj. Sometimes I wish it was her I had woken up in bed with after Juliet left. Juliet had tried to call a few times sense she left but I saw no point in talking to her. We were over with and if we talked it would just drag me back to that sad lonely place I was in a few months ago. At least with Sam I had some resemblance of happiness. I gave her my mother's ring now it was time to man up and do what's right.


     I mulled over Lori's words as I drove towards the mall. No way Andy liked me. Sure he had kissed me once, but sense then he has made it very clear who he wants and that is definitely not me. I would never say it out loud because that would make it to real but I liked Andy, a lot. It made me feel bad because Jordan is so good to me; but that doesn't change that I feel something for Andy.

     Despite everything I still hoped that some day Andy would ask me to be with him and he would say Sam was just some mistake, but life isn't like that. If I was being honest with myself I was settling being with Jordan. He has treated me great and is a great guy, but that doesn't change that if I had Andy I would have never even looked twice at Jordan.

     I put on a brave face as I pulled into the malls parking lot. We quickly found a spot and headed inside. Ten bags later I was starving. It was two pm so Lori and I walked to the food court in search of food. She decided on burger king and I got Chinese food. I ate quickly as I felt Lori's eyes on me the whole time. I finally looked up as I felt myself becoming full.

     As we picked at the last of our food Lori spoke, "You should talk to your mom. She's missing you and thinks because you've supposedly been at my place so long that you're mad at her."

     I felt guilty realizing I hadn't even thought about my mom or what she must be going threw. But what was I going to tell her. Hi mom I'm sorry I didn't call. I was on tour with black veil brides and now I'm living with my boy friend hundreds of miles away from you, but yea just called to say hi!

     I shook my head at the thought, "What would I even say Lori?"

     "Try the truth Jess. She's still your mom, and she will still love you."

     I smiled at the fact that she still called me Jess. I agreed with her and we finally decided to load up our stuff and has back to Jordan and I's place. When we got there Lori decided to take a nap and I went to my room to put my finds away. I saw a note on the bed a quickly read it.

Had some business to attend to. I'll be back later tonight. Don't wait up.

     I sighed and laid down letting my exhaustion pull me into a deep sleep.

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