Chapter 29 Pizza Pizza

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Six months later

     I heard the door bell ring as I rinsed the bowl I was washing. "Mom can you get that? Mom?"

     I sighed and dried off my hands as I walked towards the doorway. "Mom I'm doing the dishes! Can you get that?"

     I still didn't get an answer so I made my way to the door with the money. It must be the pizza we ordered. I opened the door as I unfolded the money, "Hey I'm not sure how much it was, but you can keep-," my voice faded out as I looked up and saw Andy in front of me rubbing his neck with one hand.

     "Hey Jess."

     I stepped outside, quietly closing the door behind me. "What are you doing here Andy?"

     "I um, I just had a show in town and I thought I would check in on you."

     I grabbed the clip out of my hair and shook it out. "I'm doing pretty good. Just been focusing on Jazzie and myself. Why are you really here Andy?"

     He wrung his hands in front of him, "I just... I don't really know. You moved away without a word and you changed your number and blocked me on all social media."

     I felt a pang in my chest and nodded. "That's usually what happens when someone tells you they wont ever forgive you."

     He shook his head, "I never said that."

     I cleared the lump in my throat before I agreed, "No you didn't. But you did say there was nothing I could do to make it up to you."

     He gave a nervous laugh, "I did say that, didn't I? Here's the thing Jess, I didn't handle everything as well as I could have. There was nothing you could do to make up for it because what I needed was time. I didn't think you would leave, not right after I told you I love you."

     He shifted from foot to foot as I just stared at him. "I'm not sure what you want me to say."

     He shrugged, "I'm honestly not sure. I guess I just wanted you to know, I'm not mad anymore. I got the DNA test back and he is mine. Sam and I are learning to co parent but that's all there is between us. I guess I just needed you to know all of that. But I guess I will get going and leave you alone. I'm sorry I came unannounced. I just needed you to know everything." 

     I watched him as he walked away and a pizza delivery car pulled in front of the house. I payed him before I quickly went inside with the pizza where mom was just inside the door waiting. 

     "What took so long?"

     I took a deep breath, "Andy was here."

     She looked confused, "Andy delivered the pizza?"

     "Wait what?" I looked at the pizza, "Oh no he got here before it was delivered."

     "Oh I see. Well what did he want?"

     I set the pizza on the table as I turned back to her. "He apologized, in not so many words."

     She raised her eye brows, "Is that so?"

     I nodded, "He seemed sincere. But I'm not really sure what he wants from me."

     She smiled, "Your so dense sometime babe. He wants another chance with you."

     "Mom when I left he was so mad at me. I didn't think I would ever see him again after I left and I did everything in my power to make sure it was that way. I moved on mom. I thought I was clear he didn't want me, but now he's back and I don't know what to do Mom."

     She smiled as she cupped my cheek, "You know what to do babe, you just don't want to say it."

     She turned away from me as she called Jazzie from her room for dinner. I sat down with them and smiled back at Jazzie as she ate her pizza. I took a bite as I thought about it. Mom was right. I wanted to be with Andy even now, but how do I do that? 

The next day

     I sat on the couch after putting Jazzie on the bus and pulled out my phone.  I looked at all the messages I had received from Andy before I changed my number.

Wth jess, where are you?

Are you going to answer me.

Please come back, we need to talk about this.

Jess please don't do this.

     I went into the phone book and pulled up Andy's number before taking a deep breath and pressing the call button. He picked up and said hello and I quickly hung up. Damnit, what was I going to say? I took a deep breath and rubbed my face before I redialed.

     He answered on the first ring. His voice was deep and angry as he said, "I don't know who this is but-."

     "Andy its me," I interrupted him.

     There was a long pause on the other end before he spoke again, "Jess?"

     "Hi Andy. Sorry for calling so early."

     "No that's fine, I was up anyways."

     I stood up pacing, "Listen, Andy, are you going to be in town for a little bit?"

     He cleared his throat, "Yea, I'm still here for a few days. Why? What's up?"

     I ran a hand threw my hair, "Would you maybe want to get together sometime before you leave?"

     He sounded surprised, "Yea sure. Is tonight good?"

     I smiled, "Yea, tonight is perfect."

     "Ok, cool. I can pick you up around 6?"

     "I'll see you at 6."

     "Sounds great, see you later then."

     "Ok, bye Andy."

     I could hear the smile in his voice, "Bye Jess."

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