Chapter 26 First Day

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     The last few weeks had passed without much going on. I had spent as much time with Jazzie as I could. We went to the park a lot and had even went to the water park a few times. She was too small to do much more than play on the splash pad and float in the lazy river but she was happy enough with it. School started on a Wednesday which is good so I would have time to catch up on laundry and such before starting my job tomorrow. There were a few tears as Jazzie got on the bus this morning but the bus monitor assured me she would keep an eye on her. I tried to stay positive because this was the most time I would ever be spending away from her. I went back into the house as the bus faded from view to get my coffee I had left on the counter. I took a sip and made a face. Damn, it was cold. I popped the cup into the microwave and watched it impatiently as it turned round and round. When it finally dinged I reached in to quickly grab the cup and cursed as it burnt me. 

     I kept muttering profanities as I rinsed it under cold water before I heard, "You ok?"

     I glanced up to Andy watching me, "Yea it will be ok, just a burn."

     He walked over with a look of concern and carefully examined my hand. I winced as he softly prodded it. He silently pulled me to the bathroom and pulled some stuff out of the cabinets and dressed my burn. I watched him as he was mending my hand. We hadn't been this close sense a few weeks ago when the kiss happened. It just felt like things were moving too fast so I had made it my goal to stay away from him as much as I could. I missed him when we were apart but I had just needed some time. He never pushed me though. He smiled as he looked up and caught me looking, and for once I didn't look away. I want to be with him It just needed to be at a slower pace than either of us were use to moving at. 

     "Will you go out on a date with me this Saturday?" Before I could stop myself the words were falling out of my mouth.

     He looked a little surprised but smiled warmly as he agreed. He finished wrapping my fingers before he left a light kiss on the top of my hand making my cheeks heat up at the contact. He smiled before standing up to put the stuff away. I walked back out to the kitchen and decided the cup was evil and I was just going to make a new cup from the pot I had brewed. Later on after I was sure it had cooled I dumped the old cup and saw the sign on the bottom that said non microwavable. Well now I know why it burned me. I was extra careful the rest of the day as I got some light cleaning and laundry done. I knew what time the bus would come back threw but I still went outside 20 minutes early to watch and wait for Jazzie. 

     I smiled as I saw the bus pull up and come to a stop. The lights flashed and the stop sign popped out before the doors opened and a happy looking Jazzie ran down the steps and into my waiting arms.

     I kissed all over her face as she giggled, "Did you have a good day munchkin?"

     "Yes mommy and I made you something."

     "Oh you did? Well why don't we go inside so I can see it."

     As we went in I unzipped Jazzie's bag and pulled out her work folder to find her art work. At the top was written in Jazzie's lopsided hand writing 'My Family'. In the picture there were three people. One of them much smaller than the rest was obviously her, then a woman with Rapunzel like long hair which I assumed to be me, and then there was someone drawn taller than both of us with black hair and all black clothes. I smiled as I kissed her cheek and thanked her for the beautiful picture. I listened to her ramble on about her day at school as I put the picture on the fridge and began to make dinner. This may not have been the first day of school I originally planned for her, but it was a pretty good one.

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