Chapter 27 Oh Baby Baby

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It was way easier to get Jazzie on the bus today, thank god. It was my first day back at Mystic Café and I really didn't want to be late because she didn't want to get on the bus. I had on a pair of jeans with a simple white t-shirt and tennis shoes with my hair half up. There wasn't really a uniform but this was something I was comfortable in and could deal with. I would normally just walk but I wanted to make sure that I was home in time for Jazzie to get off the bus. The drive was short but gave me just enough time to mentally prepare myself. I didn't really go around people a lot anymore so today was going to be a challenge.

I said a quick hello to the boss man before running into the back to drop my stuff into one of the lockers. I grabbed an apron from one of the hooks before heading to the front. Max gave me a quick refreshers coarse as much had not changed in the last 5 years sense I had last worked here. The computer system had some updates but that was about it. Around 10 it was pretty slow so Max left me alone to go make a bank run before the afternoon rush came in. I ran into the back to grab some more creamer and flavored syrups for the coffee. As I was loading the creamer into the automatic dispenser I heard the bell on the door ding.

Without turning around I said, "Welcome to Mystic Café, I'll be with you in just a moment!"

"Hey sorry about that. How can I...." my words died in my throat as I turned and saw none other than Sam herself.

She wore a similar look of surprise that mirrored what I was feeling before she smiled and said, "Hey Jess. Long time no see."

I plastered a smile on my face, "Yea crazy. Been what, almost 6 years?"

"Yea about. So your still working here? I thought your hot shot husband was rich?"

My smile faltered slightly, "Actually I just started back today, and Jordan actually passed away."

Her smile fell off and she actually looked like she felt sorry for me. "Wow, that really sucks. I mean all problems we had aside Jess, I'm really sorry."

"Thank you, Sam. But that's enough about me. What have you been up to?"

She smiled happy at the change of subject, "Not much honestly. I just got remarried a few months ago and I had a son a few years ago. Life is actually pretty good right now."

Speak of the devil I thought as a little boy came in pulling on her pant leg. "Mommy I want chocolate milk."

I could see the sour look on her face as she picked up the small boy, "Baby I thought I told you to wait outside with Daddy."

I gasped as I saw his face and the uncanny resemblance he had to Andy. Sam saw the look on my face as she ushered the boy back towards her husband.

"It's not what you think. I didn't find out I was pregnant until after I left."

I interrupted her, "You mean until Andy kicked your ass out."

She bowed her head in what looked like shame, "Yes. I did a lot of things back then that I wasn't proud of. I found out a few weeks after I left that I was pregnant and I knew after what I had done no one would ever believe me. Honestly I did plan on telling Andy after I had the baby but I met my husband and he has been the best father. He knows he isn't Jeramy's real father but he has been his father sense he was born. It eventually felt like a betrayal to my husband."

"What do you want from me Sam? To lie to Andy? You know I cant do that. I will have to tell him eventually. You should have already told him."

She surprised me when she said, "Your right. It just went so far, I didn't know what to do anymore."

She pulled out a piece of paper and held it out to me, "This is my cell number, please let me tell Andy."

She sighed and set it down on the counter before leaving when I refused to take it. As the bell dinged from her leaving I picked it up looking at the 10 digit number before crumbling it angrily and walking to the trash can. I held my hand over the bin and let out a frustrated groan as I was unable to throw it away. I huffed angrily as I stuffed the crumpled piece of paper in my jean pocket. What am I going to do?

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