Chapter 20 Five Years Later

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     I walked up to the house I haven't been in for 5 long years. It looked just the same. It had the same people but the cars changed a little bit. The same people but just like me not the same. I pulled Jazmine closer to me as she shifted in her sleep. I took a deep breath as I picked up the suitcase and quietly opened the door setting down the bag for just a second. I walked into the living room and set Jazzie down on the couch covering her up with a throw on the back of the couch.

     Cc walked in as I was finishing up and his face lit up as he saw me. I put my finger in front of my lips and motions towards Jazzie. He nodded understanding as we walked into the kitchen. As soon as we got in there he hugged me basically lifting me off the ground, and I felt the tears threatening to go again.

      He pulled away and looked at my face, "I'm so sorry Jj. I know how much you loved him."

     I sniffled a little shaking my head, "Don't be sorry. I did love him but this is nothing you me or anyone else could have prevented."

     About six months after we got married someone did a drive by shooting of our house and he was forced to explain to me that he was a drugs and weapons dealer. I almost left him right there. He assured me I would never be hurt and neither would our daughter, but he never said anything about himself. Two weeks ago he was found dead, Execution style.

     I arranged the funeral and sold the house with everything included. The house was just too many memories. Jazzie cries for her dad every night, and she doesn't see it but, I do too. Just five years of marriage and one child later he left me without him. Years had grown our love for each other stronger and stronger.

     I had called the boys after five years and they immediately invited us to live with them. Jason left everything to us so we weren't hurting for money but I wasn't ready for us to be on our own again.

     I was lost in thought as Jazzie came walking in rubbing her eyes, "Mommy, I want Daddy."

     Big plump tears ran down her face as I picked her up and held her against me. I saw Cc's pained look as she cried on my shoulder. She eventually subsided into hiccups and fell back to sleep. I felt tears run down my cheeks as I hugged her tighter. I felt fingers wipe away the tears and looked up shocked to see Andy in front of me with tears in his eyes. Cc took Jazzie from me and I hugged Andy hard.

     I felt his chest rumble as his deep voice said, "It's been a long time. I missed you."

     I sniffled, "I'm so sorry I stopped talking to you. I missed you too."

     He hushed me as I felt him stroke my hair. I pulled away and wiped my face off with my hands. He looked deeply into my eyes and pushed my hair back from my face. Cc cleared his throat and I looked over to see a very cute Jazzie cuddling with Cc. I grabbed her signaling I would be back and dropped her into my old bedroom to sleep. She only slept small amounts sense her dad died.

     I walked into the living room to find Cc and Andy sitting quietly watching me. "So what do you guys want to know?"

     There was a pause as Cc quietly said, "What happened to Jordan?"

     I took a shaky breath, "I'm not totally sure. He was weapons and drug dealing before we met and it carried on into our marriage. I didn't find out till six months into our marriage when our house was shot up. But I loved him so much and I was pregnant so I couldn't leave. He promised nothing would ever hurt me ever," I stopped and took a deep breath settling my tears again. "I never was hurt, but two weeks ago a cop knocked on my door and told me that they thought my husband was dead and I needed to identify him. It was a drug deal gone bad. I saw him with a hole so big it took up half his face. I didn't know that say when he left would be the last time I saw him," as I said this I broke down and Andy rushed over to comfort me.

     Suddenly a though occurred to me, "Where is Sam and your child?"

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