Chapter 17 Present

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     I woke up the next morning to being violently shaken. I opened my eyes to see Jordan looking down at me.

     "Good morning babe." I stretched and yawned.

     "Did you touch my phone?" I finally noticed the mad look on his face.

     I was confused and still half asleep, "What? Babe what's going on?"

     "Did you touch my fucking phone!? What did you see!?"

     I stuttered scared of him being like this, "Y-you were a-sleep and your p-phone went off. I-I didn't want it to w-wake you. All I s-saw was a shipment was in. I a-assumed it was w-work related. I'm sorry."

     He relaxed, "Ok babe. I'm sorry." He kissed my forehead and walked to the bathroom.

     What the fuck was that? I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I watched as he washed his face as if nothing happened. He stood up dried his face and walked past me smiling like nothing had happened. I frowned after him following him to the kitchen as he got a mug of coffee.

     I cleared my throat and he looked at me. "So are you gonna tell me what all that was about?"

     He looked confused, "Don't know what you mean babe."

     I gave him a look and said, "You practically ripped my head off."

     "Oh it was nothing. It was just an important message and I was upset that I didn't see it till this morning. But it's ok I've taken care of it."

     I raised my eye brows and looked at him in disbelief, "That wasn't nothing! I want to know why you ripped my head off."

     He dismissed my words kissing my forehead, "It's alright babe. Don't worry about it."

     My eyes followed him as he walked to the couch and sat down. He turned on the news and waved me over to sit with him. I walked over and stood looking at him. He smiled and pat the spot beside him. I sat down but at the other end of the couch. He sighed and slid over next to me putting his arm around me.

     He kissed my temple and whispered into my ear, "I'm sorry babe. Won't happen again."

     I sighed finally relaxing into him. I wasn't over it. But I didn't want to hold onto this anger either. I pulled my phone out checking the time. Damn 7:00. I had work at 8.

     I stood up as he frowned at me, "I have work at 8. I have to get ready."

     I walked off and grabbed my clothes for work. I looked in the mirror as I walked in and noticed my blond was coming back threw. My hair had grown a few inches sense I last cut and colored it and the black had faded to a dark brown, but I don't really want to color it anymore. I was just making a statement. It didn't make sense to me to color it again. I turned on the shower as hot as it would go and undressed throwing my clothes into the hamper.

     I got into the shower and just stood there for a few minutes. Finally I started to wash up. I quickly washed my hair and then let the conditioner sit while I shaved and washed my body. I finished rinsing my hair and turned the water off.

     I stepped out of the shower and pulled a towel around me walking up to the mirror and wiping off the fog. I brushed my hair and my teeth and decided to go all natural today. No make-up and letting my hair go natural too.

     I slipped on my clothes and walked out of the bathroom and smiled when I saw Lori on the couch with Jordan and them watching tv.

     "Ok babe I'm ready for work."

     He smiled at me, "Oh I called your boss. I told him you had family in town and wouldn't be working today. He agreed and said just bring in your "cousin" to prove she was here. You are having a girls day with Lori. You deserve it."

     I smiled, "Babe you shouldn't have done that. I need to work."

     He scoffed, "No you don't. Go have a girls day."

     He handed me a set of keys and I looked at him confused. "If you are going to be working in town you need a car."

     I looked at him in disbelieve as he pulled me outside, "You didn't get me a car. No way. This is too much Jordan ."

     He just smiled as he pulled me behind him. I covered my mouth and felt tears come to my eyes at my beautiful new red car with a blue bow on top. I turned around and hugged him to me. I can't believe he got me a car.

     I pulled away and walked over to the car in a daze. I opened the door sitting in the seat taking I'm the new car smell.

     "How did you afford this? It's so much"

     "Nothing is too much for you."

     I stood up and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. His arms wrapped around my waist and we pulled apart at the sound of a throat clearing. I giggled having forgot Lori was there.

     "Go spend time with Lori babe. I'll be here when you get back."

     I smiled and climbed into the car and Lori followed suit. Jordan pulled the bow of and waved as I pulled out. How did I get so lucky to have a boyfriend like this?

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